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What age did Ada Lovelace dad leave her.

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Q: What age did Ada lovelace dad leave them?
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Who was Ada Lovelace dad?

the father of Ada Lovelace was the poet, Lord Byron.

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What did Ada Byron do in computering?

Ada Lovelace was the illegitimate daughter of the poet Lord Byron. She married the Count of Lovelace, making her a "Lady" and the Countess of Lovelace. She became a mathematician and worked with Charles Babbage, the developer of the Analytic Engine (mechanical computer). She wrote a text on the development of instructions for the engine even though Babbage would not publish his ideas until years later. The Analytic Engine was never built until recently. She was therefore , in a way, the first computer programmer, inventor of the subroutine and a proponent of looping. Her role in the development of the Difference Engine is not clear. She is often credited with logic involved in its operation if not its construction. Evidence does support her suggestion for the transfer of the existing punch card system of the Jacquard loom as a method of entering data and controlling the devices operation if it were to be built.

When can baby lovebirds leave their mum and dad?

a few years of age when they are old enough so that they are at the age where they are able to fly

Can a male leave at the age of 17 back to his mom?

i live with my dad and i now 17 and whant to leave and go back to my mom

Can you leave the house at age seven teen?

You can pretty much leave the house at any time. My Dad was on the streets when he was thirteen! He had a pretty rough childhood but he pulled through.

Does the dad leave after his kids birth?

well, my dad did

Would if your baby's dad is under age?

would if your baby's dad is under age would if your baby's dad is under age

Did Justin Bieber's father leave?

well his dad didn't exactly leave, but his mom and dad divorced.

Can you divorce your father so you can live with your mom?

You cannot divorce parents, but you can leave your dad for your mum, or you can leave your mum for your dad.

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