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The impact was the same as in most wars; getting caught up in it, as well as the hardships of no medical care, food, housing (shelter), transportation, education, churches, etc. The ONLY added feature to Vietnam was the Viet Cong guerilla, who often took shelter in civilians homes; and since they often didn't wear uniforms (as did the NVA) local civilians often had to do some fast talking to US/Allied Forces in convincing us that they were NOT "VC". Especially if we found evidence indicating that communists guerillas (VC) had been there previously. The greatest fear of any local civilian in South Vietnam was being accused of being "VC". They feared execution on the spot, if South Viet authorities were present (to do the executing). In many cases that fear was unfounded, but it was known to happen, as seen on TV during the TET offensive of '68.

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13y ago

The civilian population was inundated with scenes of wounded American soldiers and destruction caused by the American military. No where was there to be found any video of what the NVA or Viet Cong had done. It was a one-sided pictorial of what the news wanted to present.

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In Vietnam, they were often in the "field of fire", aka "cross fire." Today called "collateral damage."

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Stress and anger. Civilians were the manpower pool for military conscription. Without civilians there would have been no military men.

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