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Guerilla warfare. The colonists knew the area and were able to set up ambushes and predict routes that the British would take. The same tactics were used against us in the Vietnam War. The British soldiers were were also not payed well and did not want to be there at all. The Americans were fighting for their freedom and had a lot more motivation to keep fighting, even when things got bad.

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Q: What advantage did the American colonists utilized during the American Revolution?
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In 1772 what American founding father utilized log books from ships to craft a map of this current?

Benjamin Franklin

What group benefited the least from the Industrial Revolution?

Farmers benefitted the least from the prosperity of the Industrial Revolution. As electricity and technology became utilized more, farmers in rural areas began to see less of a need for their production.

What country was the leader of the industrial revolution?

The leader of the industrial revolution was England. English merchants and business people took advantage of the power that England had all over the world. The British empire controlled a vast overseas colonial empire and had staked out markets all over the Americas and in Europe as well.English merchants possessed the capital from which to finance new ideas that made factories and other types of manufacturing easier through various inventions. Raw materials, such as cotton, could be utilized in new textile mills and the products from that material, as one example, were sold around the world.

What did the colonists keep for warmth in colonies?

Indoors, colonists used a fire in the hearth for warmth.Outdoors, they used fresh bunnies! But seriously, folks... the colonial period of American history saw the use of bricks or stones heated in the fire, then wrapped in a towle to be put into the bed (or bedroll) to keep one's feet warm at night. Many of todays' survival techniques were utilized and sharpened during the colonial period. Avoiding the wintry winds by crawling into an unused animal den was dangerous, but safer than remaining exposed to the elements.

The New Netherland colony specialized in what kind of trade?

The New Netherland colony was started to take advantage of the North American fur trade. In addition to the fur trade, they later introduced some tobacco and utilized business via the rich ports that made New Netherland colony a prime location for trade.

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The colonial militas?

The colonial militia, when utilized in such a way to take advantage of its strengths, proved to be a very effective tool for the colonists in their war against Britain.

What is so revolutionary about the American Revolution War?

The definition of revolution is to throw over a current government and replace it with a new one. A revolution is usally ignited if the governed feel a lack of freedom or a violation of their human rights. In the American revolution though, economics, I think, was the biggest factor. The American Revolution only started because of actions by Great Britain like the Stamp Act or Tea Tax. The colonists of course dissagreed with this ("No Taxation without Representation"). That is why the American Revolution was ignited. Otherwise, if England would not have been so focused on making the best profit themselves (the idea mercantalism plays a major role here too), the colonists would have been happy and satisfied with the way it was.

What were America's strategies for the American Revolution?

Quite often outnumbered, the U.S. relied on a militia, minutemen, who where highly mobile and utilized guerrilla warfare. They ambushed in the forests, flanking the loyalists from the sides.

Who attended in the Revolutionary War?

Those involved in the Revolutionary War were the American colonists, the British Army and Navy, some French soldiers, and the French navy, and the Hessians, who were fierce fighters for hire from what is now Germany. Some American natives were possibly utilized as scouts.

Who did the US fight during the revloutionary war?

Primarily the British, although both the colonists and British utilized soldiers from other countries in certain roles.

Who did john Locke influence in the American colonies?

Locke believed that people had natural rights of life liberty and property, and if these rights were violated, it gave the people a right to rebel against the government. The people of the Revolution utilized his ideas to explain the reason for rebelling.

What do you know about advantage?

An advantage is a favorable or beneficial circumstance that gives someone a better position or opportunity. It can be utilized to achieve success or outperform others in a particular situation. It is important to leverage advantages effectively in order to maximize outcomes.

How did the colonists use the land in North Carolina?

The colonists in North Carolina primarily used the land for agriculture, focusing on crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. They also utilized the forests for timber and naval stores, as well as engaging in hunting and fishing for sustenance. Additionally, the colonists established towns and settlements along the coast and rivers for trade and commerce.

What ways are peanuts are utilized in the American life?

For various reasons, including peanut oil, and peanut soup.

In 1772 what American founding father utilized log books from ships to craft a map of this current?

Benjamin Franklin

What were some of the various tactics utilized by the Americans against the British from 1773 to 1775?

Before the formal beginnings of the American Revolution, Americans utilized various tactics against the British to spark the revolution and otherwise protest British rule. For one thing, they secretly stored arms in various hiding-places around the colonies. For another, they trained soldiers in preparation for military conflict. For yet another, they circulated papers and essays, sometimes publicly, sometimes secretly, in order to inspire independence-mindedness, especially by pointing out the serious flaws of their British "overlords" or by explaining the virtues of self-rule.

What group benefited the least from the Industrial Revolution?

Farmers benefitted the least from the prosperity of the Industrial Revolution. As electricity and technology became utilized more, farmers in rural areas began to see less of a need for their production.