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Litterally speaking, it destroyed their teeth. The teeth of ancient Egyptians had always been found to be much worn, and usually this had been explained by the assumption that they used their teeth as tools. But someone remarked that the same wear and tear was found on the teeth of the more wealthy, who probably had servants to do the gnawing for them. Only then a closer look was taken at their food, such as it had remained and found in peoples' tombs. It was discovered that sand was everywhere in their food, especially in their bread which was the Egyptians' staple food. Simple tests then showed that the sand content was such as to systematically wear down the enamel of their teeth.

Culturally speaking, it made the Egyptians a very homogeneous people, as the desert formed a formidable barrier to an easy influx of other tribes and races, such as happened in Mesopotamia. Plus, this relative cultural isolation made that Egyptian culture, art, technical developments and traditions changed very little over the ages.

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In ancient times, the deserts surrounding Egypt protected the country from outside attacks.

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12y ago

It shut out invaders from other countries and also some metals were used from the deserts.

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