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Congress passed the Repeal Act of 1802 (aka the Judiciary Act of 1802), which eliminated all the provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1801 and replaced it with the terms of the Judiciary Act of 1789. This reinstated the Supreme Court justices' circuit-riding responsibilities and constitutionally removed the new courts and judges added in the Judiciary Act of 1801.

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Q: What actions were taken when President Jefferson took office to stop President Adams' attempt at court-packing?
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What overseas actions did Confederate President Jefferson Davis take after President Lincoln called for 75000 volunteers to end the Southern rebellion?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis considered President Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers to be a declaration of war against the South. Davis then sent three commissioners to Europe in an attempt to gain recognition for the new Confederacy. Overtures were to made to Belgium, Great Britain, France and Russia. In addition to recognition, Davis was hopeful that treaties of friendship and trade could also be made.

Was the embargo act of 1807 president Jefferson's attempt to keep the country at peace and avoid further provocative incidents?

all of the above good luck i know what your going threw:(

What actions reflects the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

What did Jefferson do as president?

In his first term of presidency Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France, doubling the size of the US. Next Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on a quest to find the Pacific Ocean in 1803-1806. Jefferson also invented the moldboard plow, which was a great improvement on the already standard farming plow; the wheel cipher, and developed his own design on the concept of the spherical sundial. He was the first man to say that tomatoes weren't poisonous. He also made the light bulb.Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of Independence and had also sent the 2 great explorers Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase

Why did republicans in congress attempt to impeach president Andrew Johnson?

they disagreed over plans for reconstruction.

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What overseas actions did Confederate President Jefferson Davis take after President Lincoln called for 75000 volunteers to end the Southern rebellion?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis considered President Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers to be a declaration of war against the South. Davis then sent three commissioners to Europe in an attempt to gain recognition for the new Confederacy. Overtures were to made to Belgium, Great Britain, France and Russia. In addition to recognition, Davis was hopeful that treaties of friendship and trade could also be made.

Was the embargo act of 1807 president Jefferson's attempt to keep the country at peace and avoid further provocative incidents?

all of the above good luck i know what your going threw:(

How did Confederate President Jefferson Davis attempt to influence the 1864 US presidential elections?

In the Spring and Summer of 1864, President Jefferson Davis believed that he could influence the US presidential elections and have President Abraham Lincoln defeated at the polls. Davis sent agents to the North and Canada to negotiate with Northern peace groups and to work for the release of Confederate POW's. He also had these agents attempt to bribe Union newspapers to editorialize for a peace agreement between the North and South. These attempts yielded no results but it cost Davis very little so he attempted it.

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What did Thomas Jefferson do when became president?

From the moment that Jefferson was inaugurated, he began what he described as the Revolution of 1800. This was his attempt to repeal major actions that he felt the Federalists had taken to needlessly strengthen the hand of the Federal government. This included allowing the Alien and Sedition Act to lapse and the repeal of the federal whiskey tax. For all Jefferson's changes, his Presidency was more one of stability than of change. Jefferson was a leading advocate of strict interpretation of the Constitution. Despite this fact, he took two major actions in his first term that, under a strict interpretation of the Constitution, he lacked the power to do. The first was to send forces against the Barbary Pirates. His orders to the force commander instructed him to take military action to end forced payment of ransom. The policy was successful, but Jefferson did not consult Congress before instructing this use of force. Second, in secret negotiations, Jefferson agreed to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France. This purchase, for $15 million, doubled the size of the United States. There was, however, no provision in the constitution that provided for the purchase of land.

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How and why did Jefferson attempt to minimize the differences between the two political parties?

man am asking these question

Why Jefferson Davis promote Robert E. Lee?

As a desperate last attempt to revive Confederate morale.

Who was the last president that had an assassination attempt on his life?

Ronald Reagan

Which president was involved in an assassination attempt?

No President Of the United States was ever convicted of setting up and assasssination.