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The Texas Revolution was largely caused by the complete takeover of the Mexican government by conservatives in the early 1830's which resulted in the passage of Siete Leyes (Seven Laws).

Siete Leyes effectively replaced the 1824 Constitution of Mexico with the 1835 Constitution. The new constitution destroyed the Mexican federal system in favor of a more provisional centralized government. New laws passed by the conservative government proved to be highly unpopular with many Mexican states, including the Texas territory. Violence broke out in many of these areas, most notably Texas which acheived independence in 1836.

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Q: What actions by Mexico helped lead to the Texas revolution?
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Mexico helped lead to the Texas revolution except the?

cancellation of unused land grants

Is the Texas Revolution and war with Mexico the same thing?

No. The Texas Revolution is also called the Texas War of Independence.

What if Mexico won in the Texas revolution?

If Mexico had won then we would not be independent and be part of Mexico

When did Texas and Mexico fight?

During the Texas Revolution (1835-1836).

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Texas fought against Mexico between 1835 and 1836. This conflict is known as the Texas Revolution.

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It was a Mexican territory until the Texas Revolution (1835-1836)

Republic of Texas?

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What was the Texas Revolution?

The Texas Revolution took place from October 2, 1835 to April 21, 1836 and is also called the Texas War of Independence. The fight took place between the Republic of Texas and the country of Mexico. The result was a victory for Texas.

What Texas war did Texas win?

For one, it won the Texas Revolution and gained its independence from Mexico in 1836.

What was Mexico's fear on Texas after the Mexican revolution?

they were sad they lost it