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Q: What action may the people take if government does not protect their rights and how is this right related to the idea of consent of the governed?
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Do you need to sign a consent form in Massachusetts to give a vaccine?

Check out the Massachusetts government website in the related link for information.

What were the major ideas of the enlightenment related to government?

John Locke - 3 Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, Property) Voltaire - Freedom of thought and expression/ Freedom of Relgion Montesquieu - Separation of Powers Beccaria - Abolishment of torture Rousseau - "All men are born free, but everywhere chain" Wollstonecraft - Women's equality

John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes all developed which concept?

The theory of the "social contract" between the government and the governed. (see related essay and other links)

Where did the word oligarchy originate from?

Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) means government/governed by a few.[Greek: Oli few, garkhia government] The term is used to describe a form of government in which the supreme power is placed in the hands of a few. See Related Link below ads

Can ex-husband prevent a former wife of 29 years from claiming benefits from his social security benefits?

Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.

Why did the Southern states sussed from the Union?

The Southern states seceded from the Union primarily due to their disagreements with the federal government over issues such as the expansion of slavery into new territories and states, states' rights, and economic differences. They believed that secession was necessary to protect their institution of slavery and preserve their way of life. Ultimately, the secession of the Southern states led to the American Civil War.

Does a consent of surety have to be sealed?

In most cases, yes. The consent of surety is related to a specific contract bond that was issued and sealed. The consent addresses the obligation of the surety as it is related to that contract and should be signed and sealed in the same manner.

Whose consent is needed in the age of consent law?

There is nobody who can give consent. There is nobody who can give permission.If sex happens and one of the couple is under the age of consent then a crime has been committed.Read more about "Age of Consent" in the Related Questions below.

Your ex spouse is harassing you by telephone. Can you legally record phone conversations to use as evidence for court in the state of Georgia?

Yes. Georgia has a one party consent law. That means in order to record a telephone conversation you must have the consent of one party. You can read more about it at the related link.Yes. Georgia has a one party consent law. That means in order to record a telephone conversation you must have the consent of one party. You can read more about it at the related link.Yes. Georgia has a one party consent law. That means in order to record a telephone conversation you must have the consent of one party. You can read more about it at the related link.Yes. Georgia has a one party consent law. That means in order to record a telephone conversation you must have the consent of one party. You can read more about it at the related link.

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What is the legal age of medical consent in Kentucky?

For Mental Health Treatment it is 16 year old. For pregnancy, venereal disease, drug/alcohol or emergency treatment, any age. Emancipated Minors may consent at any time. Check your local government's website to confirm. See the related link.

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