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The Quartering Act of 1775

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The Quartering Act of 1774

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Q: What act stated that the colonists had to help provide housing for british military?
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What were some colonists were forced by the british to provide?


What required the colonists to provide housing for the British?

Quartering Act

What law made colonists provide British soldiers with food and housing?

The Quartering Act

What laws made colonists provide British soldiers with food transportation and housing?

The Quartering Act of 1765 required American colonists to provide British soldiers with food and housing. The Quartering Act of 1774, part of the Intolerable Acts, further expanded this requirement to include providing transportation and accommodations for soldiers in private homes if necessary.

What were colonists forced to do under the Quartering Act of 1765?

to take in a soldier and house and feed them, also they made them pay for there own defence

What did they tax on the quartering act?

No, the quartering act is when people in Boston had to share their house with the redcoats.

Did British people invade homes?

Yes, the colonists had to provide food, housing, and other supplies to the British troops.

What is the name of the place that the families of army people live on?

Military families often live in military housing facilities called "base housing" or "military housing". These are typically located on or near military bases to provide housing for service members and their families.

What did the colonists do about the qartering act?

even though Britain owed a very large amount of money from the french and Indian war, they also had to pay big time the colonies back for housing the soldiers throughout the war. The colonists started to get angry when they kept not paying up, and then the British not only tried to make THE COLONISTS pay for some with taxes, but made THE COLONISTS pay for british defense too.

Does the marine corp provide a house for you?

The US Military provides housing for its personnel. Officers have to pay for it, but it is a much reduced rate. If the military cannot provide a physical location, they will provide a tax free housing allowance.

What did the British pass that required colonists to house British troops and provide them with supplies?


Why did Britain pass the Quartering Act?

The British were sending thousands of troops over to the colonies, and they needed somewhere to stay. It was cheaper to have the British live in the houses of the colonists, and King George could keep an eye on what they - the colonists - were doing.