FDR used the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act to create the Works Progress Administration (WPA) to create millions of jobs
Agricultural Adjustment Act
FDR used the slogan the "Arsenal of Democracy" , referring to the US .
civil service act
The Homestead Act
The Act of 2009 that was designed to create jobs and cut taxes through deficit spending is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The controversy over this act caused the American Jobs Act to be labeled as a son of stimulus.
the stock market crash which led older men and or women to lose their jobs, it was fdr's proposal to start the ssa as a part of his new deal.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was signed by Barack Obama in order to create and preserve jobs after the great recession
the reserving of gold during the presidentary of FDR. the reserving of gold during the presidentary of FDR.
During the great depression, FDR made a series of New Deal programs to get money circulating and to create jobs. One of the programs were the NRA National Recovery Act. To promote the program FDR made buttons with Blue eagles on them. This became the symbol for the program. Then in 1933, after the Frankford Yellow jackets went bankrupt, new owner Bert Bell got the inspiration from the insignia. Bert went on to make the Eagles
The Works Progress Administration, or WPA, created as one of the programs under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.
Obama's first act was to create jobs and alleviate the economic crisis.
They were named after the symbol of FDR's National Recovery Act, which was an eagle!
Agricultural Adjustment Act
create jobs, invest in education and infrastructure, and support low-income families