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Fur trade was big in colonial New Jersey. Deer and foxes were the most common animal used for fur.

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Q: What about Fur trading in colonial New Jersey?
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What is the main source of income in new jersey?

The main source of income in Colonial New Jersey was farming. Colonists also made money by fur trapping, lumber trading, the slave trade, and owning general stores.

What type of colony was colonial New Jersey?

Colonial New Jersey was a royal colonie!

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What was the currency used in Colonial New york?

Trading because they were fur trade friendly. They traded furs and resources such as cloth and eggs

Where can I find a map of colonial New Jersey?

in new jersey

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Colonial New Jersey had a lot of farms and crops; tobacco crops.

Could you grow tobacco in colonial new jersey?

Yes,you could of because it was one of the crops they were growing there it would also be useful in trading.

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New Jersey was a middle colony.

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Where was the location colonial New Jersey?

It was in New Jersey just like today.

How did New Jersey made money?

new jersey made money by the trading which was in 1664