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William Thomas Turner

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Captain William Turner

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Q: What Was the name on the Captain of the Lusitania?
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What is the significance cance of lusitania?

Lusitania was the Roman name for Portugal.

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Why did the Germans sink the lusitania?

There isn't a confirmed reason, but it is widly believed that it was due to the fact that Germany wanted to provoke war, and the U-Boat captain was convinced that the Lusitania was carrying armaments from America to Britain, which evidence suggests it was.

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What was the nickname for Lusitania?

Her nickname was Lusi, or Lucy, a shortened version of her name.

What was the name of the passenger ship that was sunk by the Germans in 1915?

The SS Lusitania

What was the name of the ship that was sunk that drew the US into World War 1?

There were multiple ships that were sunk and caused the US to join the war. These include:USS ArizonaUSS West VirginiaUSS CaliforniaUSS Oklahoma

What is the name of the captain in Tin tin?

The captain's name in Tintin is Captain Haddock.

What is the name of the ship sunk by the Germans that helped lead the US to war?

the Lusitania

What was the name of the transatlantic passenger liner sunk by German submarines in 1915?

The Lusitania.

What is Captain Cook's last name?

Captain Cook's last name was Cook. His full name (after promotion) was Captain James Cook.