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a national court system

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Q: What Under the Articles of Confederation there was .?
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Under what document were the American colonies loosely bound during the revolutionary war?

"Articles of Confederation" OR "confederation" or "the Articles of Confederation"

How were states represented under Articles of Confederation?

Thirteen states were represented under the Articles of the Confederation.

How did the judiciary function under the articles of confederation?

There was no national court system under the Articles of Confederation. (GradPoint)

What did the Northwest territory do under the Articles of Confederation?

the Northwest Territory under the Articles of Confederation

How long did the president hold office under the Articles of Confederation?

Under the Articles of Confederation, the term of the President was one year.

Who had more power over taxation under the articles of confederation?

The states had more power over taxation under the Articles of Confederation.

Was the US allowed to make treaties under the articles of confederation?

Yes, the US was allowed to make treaties under the Articles of Confederation.

During the revolutionary war the American colonies were loosely in a firm league of friendship under what document?


What The Northwest Territory under the Articles of Confederation?

the Northwest Territory under the Articles of Confederation

Why is the US considered a confederation under the Articles of confederation?

your moms balls

Who was the hesd of state under the articles of confederation?

John Hanson was the first president to serve a one-year term under the terms of the Articles of Confederation.

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had no power to collect taxes True or False?

True. Under the Articles of Confederation the government had no power to collect taxes.