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According to an internet search, the Siege of New Madrid and Island No. 10 in Missouri came before the Battle of Shiloh.

The Battle of Fort Donelson in Tennesee came before the Siege of New Madrid.

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None. Sumter was the first action of the war.

Some have liked to describe the events of Bleeding Kansas, or John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry as the 'first shots of the war', but this is figurative writing.

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Q: What US Civil War battle took place before the siege on Fort Sumter?
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The first battle of the Civil War took place at Fort Sumter in what state?

South Carolina

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No, they did not surrender. This was the first battle of the Civil War which took place in South Carolina in 1861.

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The first battle of the Civil War was the bombardment of Fort Sumter in the Charleston Roads, fought on April 12,1861.

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Fort Sumter in SC.

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Fort Sumter

When was the first battle of the US Civil War?

Apart from the Fort Sumter bombardment and a few skirmishes in Western Virginia, the first battle proper was First Bull Run (Manassas), July 1861, won by the Confederates. But neither army had been anywhere near ready for combat - which was the chief lesson of the battle.

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Fort Sumter. Also in the Upper Mississippi, there was Island Number Ten.

When did the civil war begin at Ft Sumpter SC?

The Civil War Battle of Fort Sumter took place April 12-14 of 1861. The location of the battle was Charleston County, South Carolina.

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the fall of Fort Sumter was on April 13, 1861 (:

When did the battle of ft Sumter take place?

April 1861

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Fort Sumter is located in the Charleston Harbor in South Carolina.

The first battle fought after Fort Sumter was the battle at Manassas Junction?

The first Battle of Manassas or First Bull Run was the first large scale major action of the US Civil War. The first land battle however was the Battle of Philippi in what was then still Virginia. It was fought June 23, 1861. A naval bombardment of Confederate land artillery batteries by US Navy gunboats took place at Sewells Point, Virginia, May 18-19, 1861 making it the first battle of the war after Sumter.