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Network Interface Layer

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Q: What TCP IP layer does a MAC address function?
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At what TCP IP layer does a MAC address function?

I'll help you out but hold on a sec I'm tryin to land this monkey..... MAC addresses formulate at the Kenny, tip of the foreskin, so i would say the top layer.

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What protocol provides a field for the MAC address?


Which OSI layer does TCP operate?

TCP and UDP are transport layer protocols; the OSI layer is layer 4 (transport)

Which tcp ip utility lets you view the table that contains ip address to mac address resolutions?


What is the different between mac address and ip address?

MAC address is fixed to the hardware device (for example a network card) and can not be changed. IP address is assignable. The default IP address for a device can be computed by converting the four right-most numbers of the MAC address from hex to decimal.The MAC address refers to the physical address assigned by the Network Interface Card manufacturer. Example - 10.03.d5.f3.45.fc , where are an Internet Protocol address is given to a computer when it gets connected to the network. Its divided into four parts , separated by fullstops.

Does TCP operate at the transport layer?

TCP operates at transport layer

Why router needs mac address?

the tcp/ip frame uses the ip address to send messages between devices (computers, printers, etc) on your network. This frame is inside an ethernet frame on the network layer. The ethernet layer does not use ip addresses at all, they use mac addresses. For an ethernet frame to travel through a router, it needs a mac address. Your router actually does not need an ip address. It will respond to broadcasts. In fact sometimes it won't answer to tcp/ip requests. Its job is to deliver the datagram to its destination more than it is to answer you (your computer that is). So sometimes a router will not answer a ping, but a computer on the other side of the router will answer even if there are several router in the path.

Does TCP work in network layer?

There is a good descrition of the network layer and TCP in the related link. NO. In general TCP and UDP are transport protocols that operates in Layer 4 Transport Layer

What layer of the TCP IP hierarchy reassembles messages as their pieces arrive at the destination?

The tcp layer

A tcp works at which layer?

fourth layer

What is the purpose of TCP or UDP port numbers?

The purpose of TCP is a connection oriented protocol, meaning that protocol establishes a connection or session between the sources and destination device prior to sending the data segment. UDP is transport layer protocol that provides an interface between the application layer and the network layer.