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First, at erasing so much errors in typing and next is the styling of fonts. also in formatting documents. One more thing it is easier to type on the computer with great speed and less error. when error comes up, it is easier to correct it. it is also easier to create copies of documents you already created when you have saved it on the computer unlike the typewriter that you have to type everything again from scratch.

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Q: What Situation that computer used it better than the typewriter?
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Are dell desktop computers better than gateway desktop computers?

It depends entirely on the computer. No brand is inherently better than another. Computers are the sum of their parts.

Full form of gigo?

Garbage In Garbage OutBasically what a computer gives you is no better than what you gave it.

What was the social situation of Germany before the First World War?

Better than after, at any rate. Germany fell into recession at the end of the war, and that gave rise to Hitler.

What is the difference between a mini computer and main frame computer?

a main frame computer is a large-scale computers but a super computer are larger than mainframe while a mini computer is smaller in size, have lower processing speed and also have lower cost than mainframe computers.

What are 2 inventions that led up to the creation of the computer keyboard?

Actually, a method of input was needed fairly soon after the first computer was invented, so the keyboard, I would have to say, would have been invented after the actual computer was invented. The first personal-ish computer used lots of toggle switches to do mathematical calculations, thereafter it was realized that a different method of inputting information to the computer would be needed. Since typewriters were already in very large use, the obvious choice for a similar design would be the typewriter's layout. Typewriters used the QWERTY layout (notice that those are the first six letters on your keyboard), thus the keyboard came into action. It was shortly realized afterwards, (or perhaps at the same time,) that there would need to be a way for that larger amount of information to be displayed, which in came the CRT computer monitor. (Remember that the cathode ray had already been discovered and put to use in TVs by a nuclear physicist more than 40 years ago, so the creation of a computer screen was more or less cut out for them.)

Related questions

What is the advantages of using computer over typewriter?

you can do way more with a computer then a typewriter. u have apps and internet there is way more 2 do. If you are just talking about writing a document. Then you can delete mistakes on a computer much faster than a typewriter. Also you can type faster on a computer keyboard than on a typewriter.

Why is the typewriter a better symbol than the piano in glass menagerie?

why is the typewriter a better symbol that a piano in the story

How typewriter is good than computer?

Typewriter can use without electricity/power. Computer require power supply to type. In typewriter as you type the matter, the Hardcopy also is ready. In computer first you need to type then you need the help of printer to get the hardcopy. Typewriter is less expensive and computer more expensive

What does a typewriter do?

No. A typewriter only existed to type things. A computer has many more functions - spreadsheets, Internet connectivity, presentation, gaming, communication, sound amplification - than just typing.

Is the iPod better than a computer?

No, the iPod is not better than a computer.

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When the computer is physically locked away in a room and is NOT used for remote access.

Is the Computer Training in Houston better than in Detroit, MI?

Detroit computer training is better than Houston computer training

Differences between a computer and a typewriter?

What is the difference between a pushbike and a space rocket!! You use a typewriter just for document production such as letters and reports. You can use a computer for many different things, as you know.

How has the typewriter advance?

It looks better than an old typewriter.It has a different name ,and made differently.It works different.

How has typewriter advanced?

It looks better than an old typewriter.It has a different name ,and made differently.It works different.

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What is a situation in which decimals seem to work better?

A person (rather than a computer) dealing with integers. When things are counted in tens or powers of ten - such as money, SI units.