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The Siege is what sent Roman from Jericho. This ended the war.

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Q: What Roman legion was sent from Jericho to Jerusalem in the siege of that city?
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Roman siege on the Jerusalem ended with the sacking of the city. This was an infamous war.

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In the siege of Jerusalem the First Jewish-Roman War is one instance. Remember that battering rams were used in almost all siege warfare and many times the beams and iron heads were carried as part of a legion's standard equipment.

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The Roman destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem took place in 70 AD under the rule of the emperor Vespasian. The temple itself was destroyed by Titus, the son of Vespasian, who was the general in charge of the siege.

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The individual soldier had his sword and knife, called gladius and pugio, respectively. He also had his pilla or javelins and scutum which was his shield. The legion had in its arsenal siege equipment, artillery devises such as the various types of catapults and the arrow firing machines such as the onager and the scorpio.

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How long did the siege of Jerusalem in 70 ad take?

7 months

Who conquered Judah and destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem?

The First Temple was totally destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. when invaded Judah and sacked Jerusalem. the Second Temple was destroyed by theRomans in 70 A.D. during the Siege of Jerusalem. The Roman did not conquer Judea on that occasion. Judea was already part of the Roman Empire. The Romans suppressed a rebellion.

What important event happened in Judea in 70CE?

Titus destroyed Jerusalem, burning the city and the temple in 70CE.

Who was the Roman Emperor who ordered the destruction of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem was never destroyed, it was the temple that was destroyed. Jerusalem, or course, suffered damage during the siege and final capture, but the city itself was not destroyed. In fact, the ancient sources say that the temple was destroyed by accident. This capture of Jerusalem came about under the emperor Vespasian by his son Titus.