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The parts of the party platform in the form of issues that are presented to the people are called slates. Slates are lists of party candidates and their proposed actions should they become elected.

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Q: What Parts of the party platform in the form of issues that are presented to the people such as civil rights taxes and energy are called?
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Continue Learning about General History

What was the Republican Party platform in the 1856 presidential election?

In 1856, the Republican national platform was a projection of the party's roots. The party had been formed when the Whig Party had folded. The platform reflected the beliefs of anti slavery Democrats, former Whigs, and the so called northern Know Nothings. The key component of the platform demanded the exclusion of slavery in the territories, and the admission of Kansas as a free State. For some reason, the Republicans did not push for the end of slavery in Washington DC.Republicans also campaigned against the polygamy of the Mormons.

What are the contributions of the third party in the United States political system?

Third parties make issues aware to the American public which then pressures the Democrats or the Republicans to put that issue onto their platform.

Why was the American Federation of Labor (AFL) called the bread and butter union?

Because of its focus on workers' issues

Which are the areas where forces have been called upon to maintain peace?

India to sri lanka under legal issues

Were the issues before the Supreme Court were culture war issues in the last part of the 20th century?

Culture wars concerns conflicts between traditional and conservative values and progressive and liberal values. Some of the issues presented where the following: abortion, privacy, censorship, separations of the state and church, gun laws, immigration, drugs on many fronts, gay right and marriage to name a few. A great book by James Hunter which is titled "Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America dives in the topics throughly.

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A statement of a political party's position on the issues is called the?

Party platform. It outlines the party's stance on various political, social, and economic issues that guide their policymaking and decision-making processes.

A statement about a political party's position on the issues is called a?

A statement about a political party and their position on issues is called a platform.

Individual parts of the platform are called?

Individual parts of the platform are called planks. A platform is the party's statement of principles, beliefs, and positions on vital issues.

A party's view on all current political issues is called what?

party platformparty platform

What word means a party's list of plans and positions on key issues?

This is called the party's platform.

What were the major issues and candidates positions on the issues?

The Platform

One of several issues or beliefs that make up a political party's platform?

Those issues are known as planks, which extends the metaphor of a political platform (just as a wooden platform is built with planks of wood).

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The general statements of a partys philosophy and goals is called the?

The general statements of a political party's philosophy and calls is called the party platform. The planks, or individual issues, serve as a means of drawing particular demographics that agree with their platform to join and support the party.

What is a a party platform?

A platform is a political party's formal statement of its basic principles, objectives, and positions on major issues.

What a party platform?

A platform is a political party's formal statement of its basic principles, objectives, and positions on major issues.

In general you would expect the platform of a political party to?

In general, you would expect the platform of a political party to outline its stance on various issues, such as healthcare, immigration, education, and the economy. The platform serves as a guide to the party's goals and priorities, providing a clear vision for how they plan to govern if elected.