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Squanto taught the pilgrims to grow corn.

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Q: What Native American taught the Pilgrims to grow corn?
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What native American who spoke English taught the pilgrims how to plant corn?

the Native American who spoke English was SAMOSET.

What role did Squanto and Samoset play in the survival of the Pilgrims?

Squanto, a Native American who spoke English, taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate corn, catch fish, and negotiate with other native tribes. Samoset, another Native American, introduced the Pilgrims to Squanto and helped establish peaceful relations between the Pilgrims and the indigenous people. Both Squanto and Samoset played crucial roles in aiding the Pilgrims' survival in the New World.

Why was the pilgrims first corn crop such a successful one?

The Pilgrims' first corn crop was so successful because the pilgrims were taught methods of crop planting and fertilization by the Native Americans, such as burying a fish with seeds to fertilize them.

Who was Squanto How did he help the Pilgrims?

Squanto was a Native American who helped the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts. He taught them how to cultivate corn, fish, and hunt, which helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter in the New World. Squanto also acted as a translator between the Pilgrims and local Native American tribes, fostering peace and trade between the groups.

The native American who showed the pilgrims how to grow corn was named?


What do the pilgrims do when they find corn at a deserted native American house?

They ate it.

What did the pilgrims grow?

They planted corn, squash, beans, and melons. The pilgrims would not have survived if Native Americans had not taught them what to plant and how to care for their plants.

Were the pilgrims familiar with corn before they came to the new world?

No, corn or maize was native to America and had been domesticated by the Native Americans. Native Americans taught the inexperienced pilgrims to plant corn. The English carried seeds back home and corn became a crop in many European countries as well.

Who showed then pilgrims how to grow corn?

Squanto,a native American Patuxet, found the colonist starving,sick and dying.He taught them how to plant corn,squash and pumpkins.

Who helped the pilgrims huntfishbuild housesand grow corn?

The native American people.

Who tought the pilgrims to plant corn?

The Wampanoag Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn using a method called the "Three Sisters" technique, which involved planting corn, beans, and squash together in the same mound. This sustainable agricultural practice helped the Pilgrims grow a successful corn crop.

Who taught the pilgrims how to plant corn and survive in the new world?

two Native Americans, Squanto and Samoset