Arizona has extensive Native American reservations. South Dakota is probably second Utah, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Oklahoma also have large reservations. Surprisingly, Oklahoma - which was originally "Indian Territory" is nowhere near Arizona or South Dakota for reservation land area.
palus people and snake indians
Idaho's first inhabitants were Native Americans!!!! it became a state in July 1890
Native Americans it depends on wat type it is ur on
* Blackfoot * Coeur d'Alene * Nezperce * Shosone. Coeur d' Alene Blackfoot Nezperce Shoshone
The Blackfoot
Arizona has extensive Native American reservations. South Dakota is probably second Utah, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Oklahoma also have large reservations. Surprisingly, Oklahoma - which was originally "Indian Territory" is nowhere near Arizona or South Dakota for reservation land area.
Idaho . . . no. Bonner's Ferry Sandpoint Coeur d'Alene Plummer Moscow Lewiston Grangeville Pierce New Home Boise Caldwell Nampa Marsing Weiser Buhl American Falls Idaho Falls Gooding Riggs None are native American names. Even the name, "Idaho" is not an American native word, but was invented by early entrepreneurs and politicians. If you want American native names, check out New Jersey.
palus people and snake indians
The Kootenais or Kutenai people were native American tribes in Montana, British Columbia, Idaho and Washington.
Yes. There are 4 Indian Reservations in Idaho, and they are:Coeur d' Alene (Coeur d' Alene tribe)Duck Valley (Shoshone - Paiute tribes)Fort Hall (Shoshone - Bannock tribes)Nez Perce (Nez Perce tribe)
Yes, the bobcat is found in Idaho.
There are three states that start with the letter I. Iowa, Indiana and Idaho which are all based on Native American names.
No, he is American. The fictional Napoleon Dynamite is from Preston, Idaho. The actor who plays him, Jon Heder, is a native of Colorado.
American River is a river in Idaho County, Idaho .
Sarah palin was born in America sand point Idaho to be exact. She is Irish, English, and German.
Idaho's first inhabitants were Native Americans!!!! it became a state in July 1890