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The mayans predicted that big birds will come from the sky and end a city to the north on 9/11/01. the twin towers were struck by 2 planes which brought them down If you know about true for mayan prediction then

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11y ago
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12y ago

the Mayan calendar is the most used and accurate calendar and it does end in 2012 so I believe the predictions are true. if you are more if a religious person, all the signs are there also.

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13y ago

the rise of Hitler and the 9/11 attacks

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Q: What Mayan predictions have come true?
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Is the Mayan calendar predictions true?

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There's no denying that astrology can be incredibly accurate. Many people find that their astrological predictions come true time and time again. Of course, not every prediction will come true for every person. But if you're curious about whether or not your astrological predictions have come true, there are a few things you can look for. One of the most common ways that people find out if their astrological predictions have come true is by looking at the events that have taken place in their life. If you've been experiencing a lot of the things that your astrologer predicted, it's likely that at least some of those predictions have come true. Another way to tell if your astrological predictions have come true is by looking at how you're feeling. If you're feeling particularly good or bad about something that's going on in your life, it could be because the planets are affecting you in the way that your astrologer predicted. Of course, there's no surefire way to know if all of your astrological predictions will come true. But if you're paying attention to the events and feelings in your life, you may be able to get a sense of whether. You can do it online through consultation with the best astrologer in India.

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not at all.

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