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Jesus attended the Passover Ceremony in Jerusalem. Note the New Testament verses below.

Luke 2:41-42 NIV

41Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom.

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Q: What Jewish festival did Jesus attend when he was 12 years old?
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Did God except Jewish temple sacrifices after Jesus' death?

According to Judaism, yes. Jesus died somewhere between 30-35 CE. The Temple continued operating until 70 CE when it was destroyed. That makes a minimum of 35 years where Jewish sacrifices were accepted by God after Jesus' death.According to Christianity, the Christ was the final and perfect sacrifice, and therefore no further sacrifice was needed or would be accepted. Therefore God would not have accepted Jewish sacrifices after Jesus' death.

What calendar starts 3760 years before the birth of Jesus Christ?

That would be the Jewish Calendar. Subtract the current civilian year of 2011 from the current Jewish year of 5770 and you get the biblical date from the "creation" of Adam which was 3760 years before the birth of Christ, the second "Adam".

What were the years before the Holocaust like for the non-Jewish citizens in Germany?

They became jewish

Why did the Romans kill Jesus but made a religion?

The Romans Killed Jesus because Pilate feared an uprising spurred by the Jewish Pharisees. Killing Jesus, as the Pharisees demanded was a small price to pay for political stability. As they were heathens, they did not recognise God, and had no idea that a religious movement would be born from their actions. The Roman Empire would not have a Christian Emperor for another 300 years.

Why did Democritus die?

There doesn't appear to be a definitive answer to this, but there is a story that he stopped eating when he decided that being 100 years old was quite long enough. In this story he is said to have survived his final three days on the smell of bread alone, so that his sister had time to attend a festival.

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Where in the bible does it have about the age of Jesus?

The Boy Jesus at the TempleLuke 2:41-42 Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the customLuke 3:23Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph.

Was there a pope during Jesus time on earth?

There was no pope "during the time of Jesus." The title was not first used until about 200 years later.

What festivals did Jesus Christ celebrate?

Jesus was Jewish, so he would have celebrated such Jewish holidays as Passover, Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). He also celebrated Hanukkah, and this is mentioned in the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Also, while Jesus would not have celebrated them, there were Roman festivals such as the Saturnalia (birth of the Sun god) that were very popular in the Roman empire.

Why is Jesus baptism tied in with Christmas?

Well, Christmas is when Jesus was born and I don't think he had a baptism. You get a baptism if you are Christian or Catholic, but Jesus was actually Jewish. The Christian religion wasn't invented until 33 years after Jesus died.

How do you Make rice cakes in Harvest Moon for DS?

You get ricecakes when you attend the new year festival on spring 1st.

How long was Jesus's life?

Jesus lived on earth for thirty three and a half years only. Jesus was born between 4 and 7 BC and died between 27 and 35 AD. He was in his 30's when he died, probably early 30's, and could have been 33 and a half, but there is no evidence to suggest he was exactly that age.

Was Jesus Christ Mormon?

No. Jesus was Jewish. He fulfilled the Mosaic/Jewish law when he died, so Christianity technically didn't start until his death. When Jesus was alive on the earth in was about 1800 years before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called "Mormons") was founded. You can read about the Mormon's beliefs about Jesus Christ at the website provided under "Related Links" below.

What denomination does apostle usually follow?

The apostles were Jewish, like Jesus Christ. The Christians did not fully form until years after Jesus' death and the placement of Saint Peter as the first Pope.

How old do you have to be to attend the ultra music festival?

As of September 2014, you now must be at least 18 years of age to attend Ultra Music Festival. Prior to the creation of this new rule, there was no age restriction for Ultra Music Festival attendees. Ultra Music Festival is one of the largest electronic music festivals in the world. It takes place annually in Museum Park (formerly known as Bicentennial Park) in Miami, Florida, around the same time that Spring Break usually falls in March.

Did God except Jewish temple sacrifices after Jesus' death?

According to Judaism, yes. Jesus died somewhere between 30-35 CE. The Temple continued operating until 70 CE when it was destroyed. That makes a minimum of 35 years where Jewish sacrifices were accepted by God after Jesus' death.According to Christianity, the Christ was the final and perfect sacrifice, and therefore no further sacrifice was needed or would be accepted. Therefore God would not have accepted Jewish sacrifices after Jesus' death.

What is the Jewish equivalent for Christmas?

There is no "Jewish Christmas". The Jewish Savior is not yet born. If perhaps you are asking about Hanukkah, this is a holiday that occurs around the same time as Christmas but shares no similarities in terms of meaning or purpose.