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Q: What Gustave Courbet was a French painter associated with what movement?
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Was Courbet a realist?

Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting.

Which painter's Socialist politics influenced his works?

Gustave Courbet .

Who painted the stonebreakers and a burial at ornans?

French Realist painter Gustave Courbet

Who was a famed social-realist painter?

The Frenchman Gustave Courbet was one. Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco were famous Mexican muralists who worked in the Social Realist style. The style was also important in the Soviet Union.

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Who is the 15th c painter Gustave depicted in the movie Ever After?

The 15th century painter Gustave depicted in the movie Ever After was played by actor Lee Ingleby. Another painter portrayed in the film was Leonardo da Vinci.

What French painter's name begins with c?

Among the most famous ones. Courbet, Corot, Cézanne

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He was a portraitist and landscape painter, but cannot really be associated with any movement.

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Chardin rejected the tendencies of artists associated with the Rococo movement.

Match each artistic movement with a painter who was part of the movement?

-David Neoclassicism -Goya Romanticism -Courbet Realism -Monet Impressionism -Gauguin Post-Impressionism

Where did french painter Gustave Courbet work?

Coubet painted many of his works in his native town of Ornans in eastern central France, near Switzerland. He also painted in Normandy, Paris, along the Mediterranean coast, and in other rural locations in France. He also painted in Switzerland after moving there late in his career.

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Joan Miró was a Spanish painter, sculptor, and ceramicist associated with the Surrealist movement. He is known for his colorful, biomorphic and abstract style of art.