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In the German Confederation 1819 saw the publication of the Carlsbad Decrees which were designed to suppress liberlism and nationalism in the German states.

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Q: What German laws were passed in 1819?
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How does the German government make new laws?

Laws have to be passed by the Bundestag.

How many laws were passed that deprived Jews of German citizenship?

there were alot of them past

German laws passed in 1819 that imposed press censorship and suppressed freedom of speech?

The laws you are referring to are called the Carlsbad Decrees. They were a set of laws enacted by the German Confederation in response to liberal and nationalist movements. The decrees aimed to censor the press, restrict freedom of speech, and suppress student organizations to maintain autocratic rule. The measures were intended to prevent uprisings and limit political dissent in the aftermath of the Napoleonic era.

What year were the Nuremberg Laws passed declaring Jews were not German citizens?

1935 (September).

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Citizens vote on who the leaders will be. There is no monarch. Laws are passed by an assemply of representatives.

When were the Nuremberg Laws passed?

The Nuremberg Laws were proclaimed in September 1935. Persecution of the German Jews had already started in 1933. Please see related question.

What were some of the laws passed in England in the first half of the 19TH Century designed to prevent worker abuse?

Beginning in 1819, England began to pass a series of laws designed to prevent the abuse of workers in the factories. The most noted were: A. Factory Act of 1819; B. Factory Act of 1833; C. Mines Act of 1842; and D. The ten hour law of 1847.

Why did isolationists these laws passed?

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When was the nuremburg laws passed?

The Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935.

What nation were the Nuremberg laws passed in?

The Nuremberg laws were passed in Germany.

Why did isolationist want these laws passed?

Why did isolationists want these laws passed?

What were the Nuremberg laws passed by the Nazi in 1935?

1. Reichsflaggengesetz: if one owned a German flag he/she was forced to put the Nazi's symbol on it.2. Civilianity: A German or non-Jew could not marry, or have anyting to do except violence with Jews.3. Blood: If one had any Jewish blood or if one of his/her parents were Jewish he/she could lose their life because of that. If one had German blood or any other but Jewish he had a life.4. If one were out after the curfew, they would die especially if they were Jewish.PS: number four is technically not one of the 3 laws but its was still cruelly important.