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Q: What European country did Jefferson visit as a diplomat in 1785?
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Culpsnhagan - no idea. But Copenhagen is the capitol of Denmark.

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You always need a passport to travel abroad.If you mean a visa, the answer is still no, unless you count Turkey as an European nation. You are allowed to visit Turkey for up to 3 months without a visa on your Iranian passport.

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Grant lies to Miss Emma and Tante Lou, stating that Jefferson spent hours talking and eating with him during his visit, implying that the visit had a positive impact on Jefferson. In reality, Jefferson remained distant and unresponsive throughout most of their time together.

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Romania Bucharest is the capital of Romania.

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Schengen Visa is given for most European countries except UK and few other countries. You will have to visit the particular country's consulate that you are planning to visit. There is no one place to get the Schengen Visa. If you are visiting multiple countries, then you will have to either go to the first country that you are visiting or the country where you are going to stay the most.

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You have to pay a visit to the Mexican embassy at your own country. There, you request information on how to request a visa to visit Mexico. Please take notice: American, Canadian and most European citizens don't require a visa to visit Mexico.

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India. The question is a little misleading, I somehow doubt that da Gama was the first European explorer to visit India others had probably made it overland. However, he was the first European to sail to India by the way of Cape Horn.

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