deck the halls it goes "deck the halls with boughs of holly fa lalalalalalalala tis the season to be jolly falalalalalalalala don we now our gay appearel, falalafalalalalala troll the ancient yule tide carol falalalalalalalala"
mae carol jemingson was creative, confident , smart and unique
cookiespoinsettiajoyhollytoystreeSantamistletoesnowangelreindeersleighnorth poleChristelf
none. These are the largest words you can make from those letters: lissome messily
Our Constitution of the United States of America contains four thousand four hundred words. Of all the Constitutions of any government's of the world it is the oldest and the shortest.
"O Little Town Of Bethlehem"
Wreath, worship and white Christmas are Christmas words. We Wish You A Merry Christmas is a Christmas carol.
The carol MARY'S BOY CHILD has the words mary's child in it.
driving home for Christmas
Frosty the snowman
"Marley was dead"
Dasher, Dancer & Donner are Santa's reindeer. Deck The Halls is the title of a Christmas Carol. Decorations and December 25 are Christmas words.
IBMBOJH first line words christmas song?
The last five words of "A Christmas Carol" are "God bless us, every one!"
· ornament · O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Christmas Carol)
The last five words of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" are: "God bless us, every one!"