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Tang dynasty

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Q: What Chinese dynasty during which painting was invented?
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Chinese paintings during the song dynasty?

Landscapes were the subjects of Chinese paintings during this time.

What year was the rocket invented?

The first successful liquid-fueled rocket was invented by Robert H. Goddard in 1926. Rockets as a concept have been around for centuries, with early forms using gunpowder for propulsion.

How was traditional styles reflected in chinese culture during the qing dynasty?

The traditional styles were reflected in Chinese culture during the Qing dynasty through decorative arts, sculpture, painting, ad pottery.

Which civillisation invented paper?

The Chinese civilization during the Qin Dynasty. Invented in 105 AD by a Chinese man named Cai Lun.

During what dynasty did the Chinese invent paper and ink?

Paper was invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the ink was invented in the Autumn and Spring Period.

When were Chinese Playing Cards invented?

During the 9th century C.E ( tang dynasty)

Which Chinese person invented fireworks?

It is not exactly known. But there are evidences that fireworks were first used by Chinese during Song Dynasty.

What was invented during the Shang Dynasty?

Silk, Pottery, Oracle Bones, Bronze, Chinese Writing, Chinese/Lunar Calendar, Chinese Fesivals, etc.

What dynasty in Chinese history was porcelain invented?

It is not know exactly who invented Chinese porcelain. However, it first appeared during the Shang Dynasty close to Zhengzhou.

When was paper invited?

Paper was invented by the Chinese around 105 AD during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

During which dynasty was paper invented?

paper was invented during the Tang dynasty

What did the Chinese invent that helped them on their explorations?

The Chinese invented the compass during the Han Dynasty. A compass is used to locate cardinal and intermediate directions.