The great reformations in administration and judiciary and the normalization of relations between State and Church that he was able to accomplish in less than two years led him to be acclaimed Emperor of French by the Senate, on May, 18, 1804. A national referendum confirmed his accession to the throne with 3,572,329 votes against 2,579.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the French (meaning not only France, but the French peoples throughout the world) on 2 December of 1804. He lost the title in 1814, although he briefly regained the title the following year.
Emperor. The pope was going to crown him, but Napoleon took the crown away and crowned himself Emperor.
Yes, he crowned himself Emperor of the French on 2 December 1804 because he wanted that act to be symbolic of the fact that no act of allegiance was being made to the Catholic Church.
Notre Dame
The crowning of Napoleon took place at Notre-Dame in Paris on 2 December 1804.
Notre Dame in Paris.
Notre Dame
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
On 2 December 1804.
Notre Dame de Paris.
Napoleon crowned himself Emperor on 2 December 1804 at Notre Dame.
The great reformations in administration and judiciary and the normalization of relations between State and Church that he was able to accomplish in less than two years led him to be acclaimed Emperor of French by the Senate, on May, 18, 1804. A national referendum confirmed his accession to the throne with 3,572,329 votes against 2,579.
He was crowned by himself as Emperor.
Notre Dame.
Napoleon Bonaparte. (It is unusual to describe him as a statesman, he was a general).