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Q: What British regiments served in the Korean conflict?
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Black regiments

Douglas MacArthur branch of military he served in World War 2?

WW1 , WW2 and the Korean conflict .

What regiments were in d-day?

British units were organized into Brigades. If you can identify the Brigades that was there, then you can find out the regiments that were in that brigade. Each British Reigment had several battalions and they usually served in different areas. (This derived from WW1 when regiments were raised from one local area of Britain and when the regiment suffered in combat the local community was devastated.) Therefore, one specific Regiment might be found in many Brigades. For US regiments, you identify the Infantry Division and that will tell you what regiments were there.

Name three canadian army fougth for Korean?

There is only one Canadian army. However, many different regiments served in Korea including the Royal Regiment, Princess Patricias and the Royal Canadian Horse.

What were the Black cavalry regiments in the Spanish American War?

Both the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments served in the Spanish American War.

What did Stalin have to do with the Korean Conflict?

While the Soviet Union was not directly involved in the Korean War, it did provide supplies and other aid to the North Koreans. Some soviet citizens even served as volunteers in the North Korean military.

Did chappie James shot down fw-190 in a p-40?

No; 'Chappie' didn't see military service until the Korean Conflict. In WW2, he served as a flight instructor.

What is Yeomanry?

Yeomanry refers to a British volunteer cavalry force that was traditionally composed of land-owning individuals who provided their own horses. It originated in the late 18th century and served as a reserve force for the regular army. Today, Yeomanry regiments continue to exist within the British Army Reserve, providing support to the regular army in a variety of roles.

How many Scottish regiments fought in World War 1?

If you want a list of all members of all Scottish Regiments, that would be difficult to provide. A lesson the British learned from WW2 was if you an entire Regiment served in one campaign or battle, then if that regiment suffered high loss of life that it would have a detrimental impact on the region or town from where the regiment was organized. Therefore, British Regiments(including those designated as Scottish Regiments) were divided into Battalions and each battalion would serve in a different part of the war. Thus the battalion designated 1 Royal Scots would be sent to one campaign and the 2 Royal Scotts were sent to another. This kind of info might be available.

What did neil Armstrong do after a astronuat?

He served in the Korean War

What does the marine national defense stand for?

Are you talking about the National Defense Medal? If so it shows the person awarded it served on active duty during a time of conflict. Includes the Korean War, the Vietnam Conflict, the First Gulf War and the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How many Americans were involved in the Korean war?

Approximately 1,789,000 US Servicemen served in the Korean War.