Officially, all Arab countries have declared war on Israel, but no attacks take place because there is an ongoing armistice, the only country having declared actual peace, being Egypt, but the Egyptians are not really Arabs, the majority are Hamitic, African, or somewhere in the middle. Furthermore, although officially all Arab countries still are in a state of war with Israel, the truth is, no one in the Arab world really cares, especially in the wealthier gulf states. The threat to Israel is not so much the Arabs, but Islamic fundamentalism, which teaches deep prejudice against all Jews regardless of background. Of course it also conveniently teaches prejudices against the Quraish tribe, from which Muhamad came, however the Quraish are all extinct now; refusing to convert to Islam Muhamad had them all slaughtered. Only Khalid and his family converted, insignificant handfulls really, by and large though the Quraish are gone. The country, in which the people are ardently, no, RABIDLY hostile against Israel, is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have been agitating for an attack against Israel for years now; part of the reason the Al-Saud are bitterly hated, as well as Saudis closely connected to them, has to do with their refusal to help the Palestinians. Much of the aid Palestinian Arabs get, in fact comes from Saudi criminals; Arabs from Saudi Arabia, pay money to fund things such as underground tunnel networks, forged documents to get them supplies, etc. Even though they are in fact doing mostly humanitarian things, in Saudi Arabia its against the law, thus, officially they are "criminals." Unbeknownst to Israel, or perhaps Israel DOES know, is that among the Palestinians there are many Saudi smugglers; fanatical Muslims who believe they are on some religious crusade. Because the country is so high profile given its oil reserves, any Saudis in the West Bank or Gaza strip keep it on the DL. Because to prejudiced Israelis "they're all dirty Arabs," they're none the wiser that a Saudi could be hiding among them. Within Saudi Arabia it is not uncommon for many men to take Palestinian wives in fact, not out of lust, or a need to marry but out of "generosity." In the world of Islam, a man may marry a woman simply to provide her with a home, it does not mean he has to consumate the marriage. The prettier Palestinian girls escape from the region, often, doing exactly that, by marrying wealthy gulf Arabs. Again though; the country most hostile to Israel, and the country that WILL, not might, WILL, attack Israel the moment the Al-Saud lose power, is Saudi Arabia. The majority of Saudi citizens, have pushed so that the Palestinians would receive Dual Citizenship, however the royal family will hear none of it. In fact I think the majority of Arabs want to give Palestinians dual citizenship, the people who are in fact against it, are the governments, but not the Arabs themselves. Ironically, a Palestinian can only obtain dual citizenship in the Americas, especifically Honduras and Chile, both of whom recognize the "Palestinian state," far away from the Middle East.
The Arab Nations surrounding Israel declared war on it the day after it declared independence, but the Jewish and Arab Militias in the territory had already been fighting since November of 1947, so nothing really changed for them; the war just got much bigger and became official.
No. Generally they never recognized the State of Israel as a sovereign and independent entity although it certainly is. Of course it all has to do with politics - so the only two nations that reached peace with the Israelis - Jordan and Egypt - only they recognize Israel as a legitimate country. The rest of the middle east will only recognize a Palestinian state (if there will ever be one) and they see Israel as a foreign invasive entity. But of course practically almost all Arab countries have secret touches with the Israelis and you could actually say there is cooperation between them in some manner - especially since both the Arabs and the Israelis are very threatened by the current Iranian regime and as they say "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" - they hate Iran much more than they hate Israel. Actually the Iranian nuclear saga is the best thing that happened to Israel in terms of relations with it's Arab neighbors. Never in history were these people so close as before united against the Iranian regime.
Answer 1 - ListingThere are numerous causes to this conflict and the list below is not exhaustive.1) "Wipe Israel off the Map" Statements: Arab Nationalists, especially Charismatic Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, were pushing strongly for Israel's elimination and made daily speeches about how the Arab States were going to invade and remove Israel from the map to form a unified Arab State. He began to coordinate military strategy with Syria and Jordan (to a lesser degree) as to how to invade Israel effectively. These threats were made daily and consistently in 1967. Additional troops were added to the Egyptian Army and that army began to be arrayed closer and closer to the Israeli border.2) Removal of UNEF Forces: As a condition of the Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in 1956, the UN deployed security forces to the Sinai Peninsula to prevent Egypt from massing troops in the Sinai. Nasser evicted the UNEF (the UN security force) from the Sinai Peninsula in contravention of the Armistice for the 1956 Suez Crisis and placed large numbers of Egyptian soldiers and armored divisions on the Israeli-Egyptian border.3) Arab Military Coordination: Nasser coordinated military strategy quite closely with Syria and Jordan. It was clear to many at the time that these forces would not sit idle for long. A number of Syrian battalions were positioning themselves in the Golan Heights above the Sea of Galilee and Jordanian positions in the West Bank were becoming more entrenched.4) Closure of Waterways: Egypt, counter to the armistice ending the 1956 War, closed the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping and then proceeded to close the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, cutting Israel off from trade with Iran which was Israel's greatest ally in the Middle East at the time and primary supplier of petroleum. This had the effect of strangling Israel and is considered by Israel to be the primary causus belli.5) Best Defense is a Good Offense: Israel realized that its borders were too close to for them to risk an Arab Invasion of Israel before retaliating. Israel would have to fight a pre-emptive war in order to secure the best probability of success in a military engagement. The first act of open warfare was when Israel destroyed 2/3 of the Egyptian Air Force on the tar mac on June 5, 1967.6) Imperialist Israel: (Written by someone else) It's when Israel wanted to occupy "their" land, and decided to attack their neighboring Arab countries for it.Answer 2 - DiscussionThe Six-Day War had a number of proximate and chronic causes.Chronic Causes: Israel and the Arab States were only in Armistice for 18 years and during that time Arab Nationalism really developed. One of its cornerstones was Pan-Arab Unity and a non-Arab State (like Israel) that divided Arabs from each other (not to mention the Palestinian Exodus) was a wedge in that dream. Therefore, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser repeatedly threatened to push Israel "into the sea." Israel was also very jumpy in the sense that they had little in the way of international protection (as the United States did not become a strong backer of Israel until after the Six-Day War) and very indefensible borders.Proximate Causes: Egypt made a number of overt threats to the peace and security of Israel. They closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli Shipping which cut off Israel from Iran (who at that time was ruled by the Shah and in Alliance with Israel) and other South Asian Nations. This severely diminished Israel's ability to procure petroleum. Also the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan mobilized their troops to surround Israel and kicked out the UN observers who had been maintaining the Armistice.Between the fear of a slow death (because of the lack of petroleum) and the fear of a quick death (because of the mobilized armies on its borders) Israel decided that a surprise attack was the best way to deal with these threats. Israel never expected the attack to be the overwhelming success that it was.The Arab nations wanted to defeat Israel as they had wanted since it's inception.
Not all Muslims eat with their hands. But, there are several reasons why some do. It is reported that Rasool Allah ate with his hands, and that if you wash your hands before eating, you know that the utensil you are using is clean.
Answer 1The UN partition plan of 1947 offered Palestinians 45 percent of the land; Palestinians rejected that offer too and six Arab countries.Answer 2The phrasing of the question misconstrues the authority of the United Nations Resolution 181. Most people incorrectly believe that the UN Resolution "created" a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Palestine) on the map. This is not the case. What the UN Resolution does provide for is the permission for the different ethno-religious groups in Mandatory Palestine to declare a state. In the case of most mandates, the understanding was that the mandate would eventually become independent as one new state, like Iraq or Syria had. The case of a Palestine was therefore unique and needed the permission to deviate from the traditional path of independence. Because of their being two states, provisional borders had to be provided, which is why a map was used, but those borders would only come into play if both sides decided to remain at peace.The Jews acted on the permission granted to them by UN Resolution 181 by declaring independence on May 14, 1948 (nearly six months after the Resolution was passed) and therefore creating the State of Israel. The Arabs, believing that they could wipe Israel off of the map, delayed the declaration of an independent Arab State (Palestine) until "victory" in the war. Therefore, the boundaries of the Arab State would be the entire territory. Unfortunately for the Palestinians not only did the Arabs lose the war, but other Arab nations occupied what little of Palestine remained. This effectively prevented the declaration of a Palestinian State. The Palestinian Authority finally declared the Palestinian State in absentia in 1988, in-keeping with the permission granted by UN Resolution 181. Understandably, since this was after several wars and conflicts, the borders instituted by the UN Resolution were no longer viable, but the right for two states to declare independence was not in any way quashed.
The Egyptians wanted to wipe Israel off the map and replace it with the Arab Nation of Palestine as Gamal Abdel Nasser made painfully clear in numerous speeches prior to the war.
The Arab Nations surrounding Israel declared war on it the day after it declared independence, but the Jewish and Arab Militias in the territory had already been fighting since November of 1947, so nothing really changed for them; the war just got much bigger and became official.
He said he would wipe Israel off the map.
No. Generally they never recognized the State of Israel as a sovereign and independent entity although it certainly is. Of course it all has to do with politics - so the only two nations that reached peace with the Israelis - Jordan and Egypt - only they recognize Israel as a legitimate country. The rest of the middle east will only recognize a Palestinian state (if there will ever be one) and they see Israel as a foreign invasive entity. But of course practically almost all Arab countries have secret touches with the Israelis and you could actually say there is cooperation between them in some manner - especially since both the Arabs and the Israelis are very threatened by the current Iranian regime and as they say "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" - they hate Iran much more than they hate Israel. Actually the Iranian nuclear saga is the best thing that happened to Israel in terms of relations with it's Arab neighbors. Never in history were these people so close as before united against the Iranian regime.
Answer 1There is no record of a Palestinian state or people before 1947. However, there were large numbers of Arabs in Israel who had flocked to Israel once Jews began developing the country in the 19th century. Surrounding Arab countries reacted with violence to the creation of the State of Israel and five Arab nations immediately attacked Israel. Before doing so, and confident they would wipe the nascent state off the map before it had put together an army, they warned Arabs living in Israel to flee and then return when the Jews had been destroyed. Fortunately, the Arabs lost.Answer 2Palestinians were outraged and greatly saddened by the creation of the State of Israel because they believed that the land that had physically belonged to their parents and grandparents should have been theirs for inheritance. In their minds, it did not make sense that a group of German, Polish, French, English, and Russian speaking people should claim land that their ancestors had not even visited for centuries. Some formed militias such as the Holy War Army and the Arab Liberation Army to oppose the nascent Israeli forces, some assisted Arab armies entering the area, and a vast number fled in fear or coercion or recommendation to neighboring countries.There was a minority of Palestinians that supported the State of Israel, primarily as guarantors of safe-passage for the Jewish Militias and, later, the Israeli Defense Forces.
To be completely fair to Iran, its leaders have argued that they wish to wipe Israel off the map, not the Jews. (There is just the slight complication that half of the world's Jews live in Israel.) Iran has wanted to create a sphere of influence in the Islamic World for a long time and has been thwarted by the fact that it is Shiite-majority which alienates its Sunni-majority neighbors. As a result, the Iranian antagonism towards Israel is a way for Iran to take a powerful position in the Islamic World and overcome this prime detriment.
No "international body" voted to create Israel. In 1947, with the British preparing to pull out of the "Palestine mandate" that they had controlled since early in the Century, the United Nations voted to divide the administration of the mandate territory, with the local Arab community authorities to administer one portion of it, and the local Jewish community authorities to administer the other portion. In may of 1948, the local Jewish administration declared their portion to be an independent sovereign nation, with the name of "State of Israel". Rather than encourage the administrators of the Arab portion to do the same, the governments of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan were so irritated by the Jews' shamelsss public display of their intention to stay awhile, that the armies of the Arab nations simultaneously attacked Israel from all directions, but failed in their objective to wipe the new nation from the map and replace it with mountains of dead Jews. Almost 63 years later, Israel still exists, and that is the single greatest insult that its neighbors have never forgiven and have publicly vowed never to tolerate.
In 1947, with the British preparing to pull out of the "Palestine mandate" that they had controlled since early in the Century, the United Nations voted to divide the administration of the mandate territory, with the local Arab community authorities to administer one portion of it, and the local Jewish community authorities to administer the other portion. In may of 1948, the local Jewish administration declared their portion to be an independent sovereign nation, with the name of "State of Israel". Rather than encourage the administrators of the Arab portion to do the same, the governments of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan were so irritated by the Jews' shamelsss public display of their intention to stay awhile, that the armies of the Arab nations simultaneously attacked Israel from all directions, but failed in their objective to wipe the new nation from the map and replace it with mountains of dead Jews. Almost 63 years later, Israel still exists, and that is the single greatest insult that its neighbors have never forgiven and have publicly vowed never to tolerate.
He's yet too, he helped India wipe out Polio, but there is least 35 recognised countries where Polio is rife. But he is working hard to wipe this out. Xx Becky xx
Independence, Relatively Expansive Territory, and a Fierce Reputation Among the Arab States. Last, but certainly not least, its Continued Existence. One should not think that the goal of each and every military invasion of Israel by the armies of its 'neighbors' was anything else other than to 'drive the Jews into the sea', 'liberate the land', 'wipe the Zionist entity from the map', 'cure the land of the Jewish cancer', etc.
Iran has threatened to wipe Israel from the map. Israel has declared its intention to defend itself and its people. Most contemplated Israeli military strikes on Iran are air strikes. When considering the Iranian topography and the fact that Israel has no ally bordering Iran except Azerbaijan, a land invasion is effectively impossible.
It's just a lie created by Nazis and Arabs to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.