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Q: What African American fought at concord?
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Where was the American revolution war fought?

lexington and concord

What American war was fought April 19 1775?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought on this day.

During which war was The Battles of Lexington and Concord fought?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought during the American Revolutionary war. They were the first battles of the war and were fought on April 19, 1775.

Where was the first battle of the American revolutionary war fought?

At Lexintgton and Concord.

African-Americans fought mostly for which side in the American revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

African Americans fought mostly for which side in American Revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

What were the American soldiers called who fought at lexington and concord Begins with an M?


Why were the first battles of the American revolution fought at lexingtion and concord?

No those were the lasts...

Where was the African American war fought?

There is no such conflict as the African American War. You might be thinking of the Mexican-American War.

African Americans fought mostly for which side in the American Revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

What was the war that started in mass?

The first battles of the American Revolution were fought in Massachusetts: Lexington and Concord.

How many African American soldiers fought on the American Revolution?
