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For Athens to dominate the Greek world by military force.

For it to lift the standards of its citizens by levying taxes from the 180 allied cities it had turned into an empire.

To give power to the male citizens whom he believed he could dominate by his oratory, and the political and financial benefits he delivered to them.

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Q: What 3 improvements did Pericles want to make?
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What three improvements did pericles want to make?

1. Ostracism- Banishment of public officials. 2. Direct Democracy- All male citizens participate. This process is called a jury. 3. Stipend- allowing a fixed or regular salary.

Who was pericles's parents?

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Who was pericles parents?

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What were pericles' three goals for Athens?

(1) to strengthen athenian democracy(2) to hold and strngthen the empire (3)to glorify Athens

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The Trojan War was o bad it wiped out 2/3 of Athens including Pericles.

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