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The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia put an end to the rule of the Tsars but it did not establish a communist government. The communist government was not established until later that year in the October Revolution.

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Q: What 1917 event put an end to rule by czars and established a communist government?
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Which war conference did Truman and Attlee recognize the Communist government of Poland sealing the fate of this nation?

During the Cold War, Truman and Atlee recognized the Communist government of Poland. This historic event took place at the Yalta conference.

Why did Germany reunite in 1990?

Germany was reunited in October 1990 after a democratic movement overturned East Germany's Communist Government. There were lots more the affected the turnout of this event. We cannot forget about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the destruction of the Iron Curtain.

What event ended the rule of the czars?

The workers, soldiers and peasants of Petrograd and other cities ended the rule of the Tsars by sparking the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia. Thousands of people took to the streets demonstrating against the Tsar's running of the war, his inability to end constant food shortages and his refusal to make land reforms. When Tsar Nicholas realized he had lost control of the military and could not stop the rioting in Petrograd and other cities, he abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Michael, who promptly refused it. The Provisional Government then took over. Lenin and the Bolsheviks did NOT end the rule of the Tsars. Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Alexander Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution. The rule of the Tsars had already been ended eight months earlier.

What were the major events of the Cold War?

a major event in the cold war was the space race

Which event occourred between the two world wars the Great Depression the Cuban missile crisis the communist revolution in Russia or the french revolution?

the Great Depression

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Which war conference did Truman and Attlee recognize the Communist government of Poland sealing the fate of this nation?

During the Cold War, Truman and Atlee recognized the Communist government of Poland. This historic event took place at the Yalta conference.

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China has always been an independent nation, although somewhat weak during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. It did not obtain freedom, or independence, from any country in 1949 or any other modern year. A notable event in 1949 was that the Nationalist Chinese government, loosing in battle to the Communists, withdrew to Taiwan. As a result, a Communist government was established in Beijing claiming to represent all of China, and a Nationalist / capitalist government was established on Taiwan claiming to represent all of China.

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What event was happening in Cuba before World War 2 that resulted in the eventual overthrow of Batista and the establishment of a communist government?

Only the wealthy benefited from American investments, but the poor did not.

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The Communist government of Eastern Germany resigned, the Berlin Wall opened (and was later torn down), and Germany was reunified a year later.

What event came before the Bolshevik Revolution?

The February Revolution in which the Tsar of Russia was overthrown and a Provisional Government established in the Tsar's place occurred before the Bolshevik Revolution.

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The communist takeover brought the genocide in Cambodia.

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The fall of Cambodia and South Vietnam to Communist forces was probably the big event.

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The communist revolution in russia in 1917

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Who is responsible for making it a holiday?

Holidays are typically established by governments or organizations to commemorate a particular event or tradition. In the case of national holidays, they are usually established through legislation or proclamation by government authorities. In some cases, holidays may be recognized internationally by organizations such as the United Nations.