Sadly there were 110,000 - 120,000 Japanese Americans sent to the internment camps during WW2.
Americans thought Japanese Americans were helping japan during ww2
The Americans didn't trust the Japanese's, they thought they where spies. So they made most of the Japanese Americans to isolated camps till a year after the war was over.
After the Americans bombed the Japanese after WW2 we helped them rebuild after having sympathy for the civilians. So really we bombed them to end WW2 but, helped them rebuild so we could then be in a strong alliance with them later like we are today.
they rise by their knowlege of guns and they had better armor and guns then the americans but once we invented the fire gun wich was used in mid ww2 they copied the americans but it work out so good.
no. japanese-americans formed an all japanese-american unit named the 441st infantry battalion during WW2. they amassed numerous medals and awards for heroism. they only fought in the European theater
No, the Japanese- Americans were not happy about the internment camps in WW2.
Internment camps
Americans thought Japanese Americans were helping japan during ww2
The Americans didn't trust the Japanese's, they thought they where spies. So they made most of the Japanese Americans to isolated camps till a year after the war was over.
There were 110,000 - 120,000 sent to the camps during WW2.
Japanese Americans ~ see related link below .
The Americans, the British and the Russians. The axis (Bad Power) were the Germans, Italians, and the Japanese.
Japanese internment camps were set up in the USA in WW2 to contain Japanese Americans. An obvious con of the camps were that they infringed on the rights of innocent American citizens. A pro is that they kept non Japanese Americans from panicking.
In WW2, Japan considered Americans of Japanese descent to be US Citizens; the enemy.
The Japanese-Americans didn't get lot or much money in WW2 during Peal Harbor Attack.
Approximately 120,000 Japanese and/or Japanese-Americans lived in the US during and prior to WW2; of which over 90,000 lived in California.
After the Americans bombed the Japanese after WW2 we helped them rebuild after having sympathy for the civilians. So really we bombed them to end WW2 but, helped them rebuild so we could then be in a strong alliance with them later like we are today.