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One of the reason is because of poverty, second is freedom. Also the gap between black and white American.

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Jerson Acido

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Q: What motivates Phillis Wheatley that she became a famous poet?
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Nathaniel Wheatley was like a brother to Phillis Wheatley. He taught her how to read,write,and speak English. He helped Phillis Wheatley become a famous African American poetess. He taught her Greek,and Latin.He is the son to John and Susanna Wheatley

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Phillis Wheatley

Can you give me some information about Phillis Wheatley?

Here's some information about Phillis Wheatley she was a famous poet writer. She was also kidnapped and takened away from Africa when she was 7 years old. Phillis was taken into Boston Massachusetts and was taken to the Wheatley Family, were she was taught to write, read, and talk english.

What was phillis wheatley famous for?

by doing her poetry and being killed . that was on the news fo a while

What did phyllis wheatley do?

Phillis Wheatley was a famous African American poet. she was also eduacated by her every own owners. also she was a house hold which she served as a slave

Why did Phillis Wheatley write poems?

Phillis Wheatley wrote poems to express her thoughts and feelings, to address social issues such as slavery and racial injustice, and to showcase her literary talent and intelligence, proving that African Americans were capable of producing great works of literature.

Why is phyllis wheatley famous?

Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American Poetess. She was also the second African-American to get her book published under her name. This gained her freedom from slavery.

How did Phillis Wheatley help the society?

by being a famous poet and being the first African American poet!! hee hee

Why were phillis wheatley's poems first published in England and not in the colonies?

Phillis Wheatley's poems were first published in England because there were doubts about the authenticity and authorship of her work in the American colonies, due to her being a young enslaved woman. Publishing in England provided her with validation and a broader audience, as well as credibility as a poet.

What did phillis wheatley have to pay for her fame?

Phyllis Wheatley had to overcome many struggles and hurdles in order to become famous. She was born as a slave and was forced to face many who looked down on her and her poems as a result of her skin color.

How many years did Phillis Wheatley have her kids for?

Phillis Wheatley was born in 1753. She was a young child when she was taken from her family in Africa with about 80 other captured people on a slave ship. The slave ship came to Boston, Massachusetts in 1761 and a man named John Wheatley bought Phillis. When Phillis was fourteen she started to write poems. She became famous for her poetry. People from other colonies came to meet the poet. In 1773, Phillis had a chance to go to England. She was not even 20 years old. She was able to get her poems published. It was the first book ever published by a black person from North America. When Phillis came back to America, Boston was caught up in the Revolutionary War. Phillis wrote a poem about George Washington and sent it to him. General Washington wrote back to her and thought she was very talented. But Phillis did not have an easy life. She was sick a lot and died when she was only 31 years old.