Kanawha but the residents and the Legislature thought better of it.
Virginia and West Virginia derive their names from Elizabeth I known as the Virgin Queen and Maryland is named for Queen Henrietta Mary (Queen Mary). The Carolinas are not named for a Carol or some such name but instead for Charles I or Carolus in Latin. And Pennsylvania does not get its name from a lady named Pennyor Penelope, but for William Penn.It should be noted that Montana did not get its name from Hannah Montana, but from from the Spanish word montanameaning Mountain and Georgia was not named for Georgia O'Keefe but the other way around.
The name "West Virginia" was decided upon in November of 1861.
West Virginia has no NHL team...
West Virginia was once part of Virginia. When Virginia declared secession from the United States to become part of the Confederacy, the counties in northwestern Virginia voted to secede from Virginia and remain loyal to the United States. That area of Virginia became West Virginia. West Virginia became the 35th U.S. state on June 20, 1863.
West Virginia is the 35th U.S. state. It separated from Virginia and got its own statehood in 1863.
it was almost named kanawha but the president thought of a better name west Virginia
Virginia was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I. West Virginia seceded from Virginia when Virginia seceded from the Union. West Virginia is not named after anyone, per se.
West Virginia got its name because it succeeded from Virginia and is west of Virginia hence West Virginia.
Virginia which was named for Queen Elizabeth I known as the Virgin Queen.
Virginia or West Virginia
There's an Appalachia in Virginia that is about 400 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. West Virginia is in Appalachia, but there is no town named Appalachia in West Virginia.
Governor James Wood of Virginia.
West Virginia
It was named after me Juergen Dawes Originally from Jamaica
West Virginia.
Xanthia Way is the name of a street in Weirton, West Virginia. In New Cumberland, West Virginia, there is a street named Xavier Lane.