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Yes. Many people in England were saved by being sheltered in subway (Tube) tunnels and other underground hiding places. The efforts were by no means 100% successful, though, given the destructive power of some of the larger weapons used against London.

The Nazis buried much of their wartime industry in deep caves and artificial caverns, where it was similarly protected from Allied bombing.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Yes there were. There were public shelters that people could go to when the air raid sirens sounded. There were Anderson shelters that people could assemble in their back gardens and Morrison shelters that could be used indoors.

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14y ago

yes many underground stations were used as bomb shelters aldwich station on the Piccadilly line (now closed) was one of the most popular.

there were many tragedy's eg. when the roof clasped at bethnal green station on the central line and when a bomb slid down the escalator at bank and killed hundreds

their used to be train that were used to carry food for those sheltering this was run by women

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14y ago

It all depends what you mean by "work". They didn't fully protect the soldiers, but they protected them enough to stop major injury.

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Q: Were there bomb shelters in Britain in World War 2?
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The Cold War and nuclear arms races in the late forties through the eighties was the impetus of Americans building bomb shelters. They were convinced Russia would bomb America and they could have if Kennedy had not stopped Fidel Castro and the Russians from sending over their nuclear missiles located ninety miles from the US. Most of the bomb shelters were a joke. They never could have protected the people from the radiation in the air or from the bomb explosion.

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Who used airaid shelters in world war 2?

All around the world but mainly Britain because was being heavily bombed by Ger.

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