

Were the vikings brutal

Updated: 8/19/2022
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10y ago

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The vikings were fierce.

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Q: Were the vikings brutal
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Were the vikings really as brutal as they were dipicted?

Sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't. Vikings both fought and traded.

What was the other name of the vikings?

the other name of the vikings were the sea robbers or pirates

The year and reason that the Vikings spread across Northern Europe?

The date was 793-1066 AD The main reason was originally trade but, the King's power increased and gradually turned into brutal plundering.

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Brutal justice is brutal justice...Brutal: A brutal act or person is cruel or violentJustice: The fairness in the way that people are treated

What occurred in lambay island in 795ad?

The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.

What do you mean by brutal?

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What do you mean by cariño brutal?

Brutal love

Who were explorers from Scandinavia?

The Vikings!

Is brutal a noun?

No, the word 'brutal' is the adjective form for the noun brute.The noun form for the adjective brutal is brutality.

Is the word brutal a verb?

No, the word brutal is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example, a brutal war, a brutalpunishment.

How do you make a sentence by using the word brutal?

The word brutal is an adjective; it describes a noun. Here are some examples of the word brutal used in sentences:'The king was brutal and merciless in his conquest for power.''The wrestling match was brutal, and resulted in several injuries.'

Is brutal an adjectives?

There is no simple answer of yes and no. Brutal is an adjective. But no it is not an adjectives. Let's re-write your question. Is brutal an adjective? Yes.