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The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

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13y ago

The Roman soldiers, or army, was vital to Roman society. It was the army that provided Rome not only its security, but its wealth. The wealth was provided by the army's conquests which gave Rome new taxes and colonies. A victorious general was honored with a triumph and he was considered a god for that day. The army, in the later empire, also was responsible for the overthrow and establishment of emperors in many cases.

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12y ago

They certainly were important to their society. The Roman Empire was built upon military conquests and the Romans honored military services and achievements. Mars, the God of War, was one of their major deities. If a man had political ambitions, he needed military experience which eased his way into politics. The top two elected positions, those of praetor and consul, were military,( among other things) in that both men could raise and lead an army if necessary. Victorious generals were even made a god for a day when they celebrated a triumph.

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Roman society was composed of what two groups?

The Roman Patricians The Roman Citizens The Roman Plebeians. The Roman Slaves The Roman Soldiers

Why was salt so important to the roman soldiers?

Salt was a very important commodity in antiquity as it was the only preservative available. The salt works neat Ostia, by the sea, were a great trading asset for Rome. Before the introduction of coins, Roman soldiers were paid in salt.

Why was the Roman Forum important in ancient Roman society?

The Roman Forum was important in ancient Roman society because it served as the political, social, and economic center of the city. It was a place where citizens gathered to discuss politics, conduct business transactions, and participate in religious ceremonies. The Forum also housed important government buildings, temples, and markets, making it a hub of activity and a symbol of Roman power and civilization.

Did the plebeians and patrician comprise Roman society?

There were three assemblies in Rome. The Assembly of the Soldiers included all Roman soldiers, officers and cavalrymen (equites). The soldiers were plebeians (commoners) and the officers were patricians (aristocrats). The equites were the second highest social rank. The Assembly of the Tribes included all Roman citizens. The Plebeian Council comprised only the plebeians.

What civilization did the pugio come from?

"Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers.

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