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Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

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12y ago
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13y ago

If my memory doesn't fail me, I think it was the tribunes.

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12y ago

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

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What branch of government represented the common people of roman republic?

No branch of the Roman government represented the plebeians. The plebeian tribunes represented the plebeians. However, they were not a branch of the government. The did not have executive powers. The plebeians had had their own assembly, the Plebeian council.

Who who plebians?

The plebeians were represented by the plebeian tribunes. They were elected by the Plebeian Council, the assembly of the plebeians. They were not public officials. They were political representatives.

Who represented the plebeians?

The tribunes were the elected officials who represented the interests of the plebeians.

Who represented the Plebians?

The rights of the plebeians were represented by the plebeian tribunes, the leaders of the plebeian movement Although they were not officers of state, they had the power to veto the actions of any officer of state which they deemed to be harmful to the plebeians. They also proposed bills to the plebeian council, an assembly of the plebeians where all plebeians could go to vote the bills proposed by the plebeian tribunes and elect new plebeian tribunes every year. Over time, the the laws approved in the vote of this council (plebiscites) gained the force of law which was binding on all Roman citizens, including the patricians.

In Roman government who represented the rights of the plebeians?

The rights of the plebeians were represented by the tribunes.

Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 BC?

Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 B.C.?

Why did the plebeians establish teir own assembly in 494 BC?

Why did the plebeians establish their own assembly in 494 B.C.?

What is the term for an elected leader of Ancient Rome who represented plebeians?

Plebeian tribunes were elected leaders of ancient Rome who represented plebeians.

What set of brothers represented the plebeians?

Gracchus brothers

Why did the plebeians want the same rights as the patricians?

The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.The plebeians needed their own assembly and elected officials in order to use their civil rights and to have an input into the government.

What group of people serve the tribal assembly?

the plebeians

What group of people served in the tribal assembly.?

the plebeians