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that was his mistake he should have ask if they were communist, must communist do not join the party, like john carey, the clintio Jimmy Carter, jane fonda,and eisenhoward , had paton killed by the jedburgs, most democrats are communist, and mccarthy was right the state deparment is communist t our generals have taken us to far away wars, and ignored Latin America, letting it become full of drugs, become so poor, and kennedy let communist nation 90 miles from us, the clintons robbed poor haiti of there huracane money, why the newyork times lied about cuba a country that the cubans never left before 1959, was one of the best economies at the level of europe ycastro was called a Robin Hood, a man that b;lack mail all the coffee plantations, sugar mills by the way tell the americans that went to cut cane with hillary,during there summer vacation, and destroyed the plantations , sugar canes are cut from january to march and has to be cold or the cane does not become sweet, the cane crystal has been destroy in cuba, the cigars, the coffee, the cane cutters were paid 2000. doll;ars for the three months,thanks to the americans tha t paid wel and for ced our economy to grow, the cane cutters then worked some times as teachers who made 75 dollars a month, cuba today is the poorest country inthe world, and the people castro made them crooks, thieves,so they could eat once a day, it sounds like we are going ther slowly but surely, that is communism,socialism, or any name that radicals call it the thruth is we have to get going or get gone by them

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Dalia Escobar

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Q: Were the people Joseph McCarthy accused of being communist actually members of the communist party?
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Who was Joseph McCarthy and what was he famous for?

Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin was known for leading the Congressional investigations into Communist influences in the US during the early 1950's. The worldwide competition between the US and the USSR was called the "Cold War" and involved many such allegations against Communist Party members and suspected sympathizers, as well as blackmailed or corrupted officials. The House UnAmerican Activities Committee and Senate Committee on Government Operations were the primary venues for Congressional hearings, which were later denounced as "witch hunts" by the news media and the US government.DetailsMcCarthy made a speech in Wheeling, WV, in 1950 saying that there were over 200 members of the Communist Party in the U.S. State Dept.. This number has not been substantiated. Once he got a lot of media attention, he revised that number to under one hundred. There is reason to believe that McCarthy as a Republican wanted to embarrass the Truman administration and break the two decades of Democratic control of the presidency. He had also been polled as the worst senator in office by the Senate press corps a few years earlier, so he undoubtedly was trying to save his own political skinFollowing WW II, there was a lot of concern about the USSR and communists taking over the United States. People were convicted of giving the secrets of the atomic bomb to the USSR. The House UnAmerican Activities Committee held hearings concerning the activities of some members of government. Following the publicity McCarthy received, HUAC and the Tydings Committee stepped up their investigations. McCarthy kept changing the number of people he accused of being communists in the government and never disclosed the source of this information. He also quoted hearsay as facts, which as a lawyer he should have known not to do.In 1952, McCarthy was made chair of the Senate Committee on Government Operations with the notorious Roy Cohn as legal counsel. With this committee and with the new television technology, he continued to receive public attention. He also widened his investigation to include people outside the government and eventually the Army. Altogether McCarthy's name is associated with anti-communist rabble-rousing and hearings reminiscent of the Salem witch trials. The McCarthy Era only lasted a few years, but many people (especially in the entertainment industry) lost their jobs and were blacklisted for a decade. Notable were the "Hollywood Ten". Eventually, the Tydings Report labeled McCarthy's accusations as fraud. McCarthy later died of the effects of alcoholism.The McCarthy Era inspired Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible", Lillian Helman's book, "Scoundrel Time" and movies like "The Manchurian Candidate".Truth in the McCarthy AllegationsYes, there was a Red Scare in the Government and in Hollywood during the early 50's. Spies were everywhere. The Democrats and the news media made McCarthy look like an idiot, but years later, it was shown that such coordinated spying did actually take place. Many US diplomatic and military secrets are still leaked to Russia or China by enemy agents and paid US conspirators.

What is the percentage of the soviet population that was communist?

In fact at their height the percentage of population that were actual members of the Communist Party never exceeded 25%

How do you become a leader of a communist country?

By being the most ruthless & feared person in the communist party, and by forming alliances with other members.

What is a similarity between Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa?

both encouraged labor union members to resist communist government

What were the communitist in Russia first called?

Bolsheviks were the first members of the communist revolutionary party in Russia

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During the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy actually produced for the public a list of over 100 members of the State Department who were active members in the Communist Party.?


During the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy actually produced for the public a list of over 100 members of the State Department who were active members in the Communist Party?


What did Joseph McCarthy believe?

McCarthy claimed that over 200 members of the government were communists.

What Kennedy family member was once on the staff of Senator McCarthy?

In the 1950's Senator McCarthy was holding hearings to investigate possible members of the communist party in various American businesses and even in government positions. Robert F. Kennedy was for a time a member of McCarthy's staff.

Why McCarthy failed?

McCarthy's downfall can be attributed to a combination of reasons, including his penchant for making baseless accusations without sufficient evidence, overreach in targeting high-profile individuals, and his confrontational and bullying tactics, which eventually alienated key supporters and led to his censure by the U.S. Senate.

What was the crusade of Senator Joe McCarthy was primarily directed at?

He accused members of the federal government of being communists. He did it to create anti-communist sentiments, and improve his approval rating. He attempted to discredit his critics and political opponents by denouncing them as communists and Soviet Union sympathizers during a time in American history when fear of communism was at an all-time high.

Who accused Arthur Miller of Being Communist?

Nobody is really sure who accused him, but at the time many writers were being accused and investigated, particularly among Miller's group of friends, and he had actually helped Communist-Front groups in the 1940s, and had been a member of a writers' unit of the Communist party.He was taken before the House of Un-American Activities Committee and was found guilty of beliefs in Communism. He was then found guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to name who else had been members of the unit (this was later overturned in an appeals court in 1957).The attitudes of people changed drastically towards him, which inspired him to write The Crucible about the power of rumour and reputation.

Who led the communist in Cuba?

Cuba has actually never been truly Communist. They are actually closer to being mixed socialists. However, if you are American, your teacher is probably looking for the answer "Fidel Casytro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara", even if they were not members of the Communist party during the revolution.

What date did senator McCarthy begin anti-communist activities?

McCarthyism is a term used to describe the making of accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The period lasted roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s. It reflected heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. In February 1950 McCarthy asserted that he had a list of "members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring" who were employed in theState Department. McCarthy was never able to prove this. McCarthy made other accusations of Communist infiltration into the State Department, the administration of President Truman,Voice of America, and the United States Army. He also used charges of communism, communist sympathies, or disloyalty to attack a number of politicians and other individuals inside and outside of government. With the highly publicized Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954, McCarthy's support and popularity began to fade.

During the Red Scare in the United States in 1952 what was Joseph McCarthy's infamous list?

He had the names of 205 people known by the secretary of state to be members of the Communist Party. The number changed when he made speeched elsewhere.

Why did Joseph McCarthy believe Hollywood might play a big role in a communist uprising in America?

Senator Joseph McCarthy did not believe that Hollywood stars would play a part of any communist uprising. He knew there would be none. Hollywood stars and writers came to his attention because a number of Hollywood "people" were members of the US Communist Party.

What is the punishment for treason and are there restrictions?

the familys of the accused recieve the accused possesions. and it is illegal to harras the family members of the accused