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No. When the identity card system was put in place in 1935, Rwandans were categorized as Hutu or Tutsi solely based on wealth. Those who had more than ten cows became Tutsis, and those with fewer became Hutus. This was partially for practical reasons: there had been so much intermarriage between ethnic groups that almost no one could exclusively claim one ancestry. One consequence (leaving aside decades of ethnic tension and one of the most horrific genocides the world has ever seen) was that, while there are still physical characteristics (height, stature, shape of nose, etc.) associated with one group or the other, many Rwandans have the "wrong" characteristics.

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Q: Were the hutus and tutsis divided by their appearance when the belgians forced them to carry an ethnicity cad?
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What did the Geneva accords provide for?

It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)

Which member of the triumvirate was forced out?

Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.Lepidus was the one who was forced out of the second triumvirate.

Who forced the last Roman Emperor in the west to abdicate?

Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.

Why were the africans forced to come to the US?

I think they were forced to be slaves

What did The quartering act forced colonist to do?

It forced them to let soldiers into their home, and give the soldiers anything they wanted.

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