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No, they were to restrict the colonies from selling/buying goods to / from other countries. The English didn't want France, Spain, or the Dutch to profit from the items or raw materials from the colonies and they wanted to keep the colonies from buying from them too.

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Q: Were the Navigation Acts were intended to strengthen the shaky economy of the colonies?
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How did the navigation affect the colonies economy?

The Navigation Acts affected the colonial economy because it made the construction of canals cheaper.

What effect's did the navigation acts have on the colonies economy?

Boy u should know u dumb huh

Whats the law that colonies trade had to be on English ships?

The law that required colonies to trade only on English ships is known as the Navigation Acts. These laws were implemented by the British government in the 17th century to regulate colonial trade and ensure that it benefited England's economy. The Navigation Acts aimed to restrict competition from other countries and increase profits for English merchants.

How did the Navigation Acts affect the colony economy?

The Navigation Acts affected the colonial economy because it made the construction of canals cheaper.

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The affect that geography had on the economy of the middle Colonies was to help the economy. Farming was the main source of the economy and the fertile soil, and Natural Resources aided the Middle Colonies economy.

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How did navigation acts affect the constructions of the canals?

The Navigation Acts affected the construction of canals cheaper.

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