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Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon is a nickname) were forced to leave Nauvoo, Illinois by mobs. The exodus started 04 Feb 1846 with the last leaving Nauvoo in September of 1846. During that time around 14,000 members went west across the Mississippi River into Iowa, then on west across Iowa. They were headed to the Rocky Mountains but weather and the on coming winter forced them to stop in Kanesville (today Council Bluffs), Iowa. Early in 1847 the first of many wagon train companys, handcart companys, etc made their way on west to the Great Basin (today Salt Lake City, Utah). This movement lasted for the next 10 years (1847 thru 1858) inwhich around 70,000 members settled the Great Basin. Today Salt Lake City, Utah is where the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is located. (See

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13y ago

While the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has moved from New York to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois to Utah, the membership of the Church has always been scattered around the world. In the 1800's, members were encouraged to move to be near Church headquarters, but now they are encouraged to stay in their hometowns. Now, there are nearly 14 million members of the Church scattered all over the world! They didn't go anywhere.

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10y ago

In a way, yes. The locals disliked the Mormons and attacked them several times, including murdering their prophet, Joseph Smith. The Mormons often retaliated. In order to preserve the public peace, the government asked the Mormons to leave Illinois and the United States within a year, and the Mormons cooperated.

The Mormons were previously driven out of Missouri by an extermination order issued by the governor.

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11y ago

The Mormons settled in Illinois between 1839 and 1845, when they began to leave for Utah due to persecution.

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13y ago

Most of them left for Utah in 1846.

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Q: Were the Mormons driven out of Illinois?
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What states were the Mormons driven from?

The Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) were kicked out of Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois in the 1800's. Although the Church now exists in these states, it didn't for about half a century afterwards. In fact, an Extermination Order against the Mormons was still on the books in Missouri until the 1970's.

Where were the three gathering places the Mormons were kicked out of?

The Mormons were kicked out of Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois.

Why did Mormons go to Illonis?

The Mormons moved to Illinois in the 1840's seeking religious freedom. They weren't able to fiond it in Illinois and left the state for Utah.

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What was the Mormons result of their quest?

After being driven from Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, the Mormons were forced to begin a journey, or quest, across the United States to seek religious freedom. In 1846, the first companies began the trek west, by ox-drawn wagons and handcarts. Many died on this first and many subsequent journeys.The Mormons finally settled in the Salt Lake Valley, where religious freedom was reached.

Why did the Mormons Travel to the west on the Mormon trail to Utah?

To get away from persecution they were facing and to get away from the people who were killing them just for being Mormon as well as other various hardships they were facing because of their faith.

What religious group founded the Western Illinois town of Nauvoo in 1839?

the mormons

What was a push that moved the Mormons west?

Persecution. The Mormons were chased out of Missouri and asked to leave Illinois... so they moved further west, where there was nobody to kick them out.

Did the Mormons get to Utah?

yes, they were forced from illinois by persecution. so they moved to the deserts in utah

What territory did the Mormons fled to due to persecution?

After New York they ended up in Missouri and were persecuted. The governor, Lilburn Boggs wrote an Extermination order that said, "the Mormons must be treated as enemies and exterminated or driven forcefully out of the state." They were driven from there and ended up in Utah.

On what year did the Mormons start going westward?

The Mormons moved west from New York to Ohio in 1831. They moved from Ohio to Missouri to Illinois, although not all at once so exact years can't be specified. They left Illinois to move to Utah in 1846.

What was the route taken by the Mormons from Illinois across the Great Plains and the rockies called?

The Mormon Trail