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It's a long standing prejudice. Partially propagated by the Catholic church, there had been various pogroms against the Jews through out the medieval period. They were blamed for the black death (by poisoning wells) and various atrocities were carried out such as the attack in York where 200 were burnt to death in a tower. Also one of the targets of the Inquisition were the Jews. The Nazi's just used existing prejudice and forged medieval documents to justify their actions.


The Nazis blamed (scapegoated) the Jews, accusing them of:

  1. Starting World War 1.
  2. Pofiteering in World War 1.
  3. Making Germany seek an armistice on devastatingly disadvantageous terms in November 1918 ('Stab-in-the-back legend').
  4. Causing the Great Inflation (1923).
  5. Causing the Great Depression.
  6. Corrupting morals in Germany.
  7. Causing World War 2.

In other words, the Nazis demonized the Jews.

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Q: Were the Jews being used as scapegoats in the Holocaust?
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What group of people used scapegoats during the holocaust?

Presumably you are referring to the fact that some Jews blamed the Holocaust on those Jews who were not pious enough.

Where Jews hitler's only scapegoat during the Holocaust?

By the time of the Holocaust Hitler no longer needed a scapegoat. It was during the political campains that Hitler used scapegoats. Yes they were the only ones as what he said about the socialists was arguably true.

Why were Jews scapegoats?

Because in World War 2, Germans used them as Scapegoats, blaming everything on them.

What are Jews used for?

Traditionally, they have been used as scapegoats in many European societies.

How is the holocaust and The Crucible by Arthur Miller different?

NO they both used scapegoats to blame other people for wrong doing.

Why were the Jews in specific persecuted during the Holocaust?

Jews were the largest victims of the Holocaust with 7 out of 10 Jews in Europe being murdered during the holocaust. Jews were discriminated against because they were not considered racially pure or part of the Aryan Race (ideally blonde haired blue eyes). And Hitler used propaganda against the Jews blaming the whole of world war one on the Jews, this brainwashed Nazis.

Why did Hitler take out his anger out on Jews?

Jews have been used as scapegoats for centuries because they didn't have a country or a whole area which is for Jews. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything which is bad for Germany. This is called Antisemitism

What was the word used for fleeing Jews?

Holocaust refugees?

What is the term used for the 6 million Jews that were killed?


How and why did Hitler and nazi supporters use Jews as scapegoats?

The nazis used jews and poles and homosexuals and disabled people as scapegoats because they considered these group of people unfit to be on the face of earth and viewed them as weakening the gene pool of the Germans.

What is the difference between the Holocaust and apartheid?

I'm also wondering difference of those two cuz I met one holocaust survivor today and she said holocaust and the shoah is kinda different-------------------------------------Shoah is the word that the Jews use for the attempted extermination of the Jews by the Nazis. This word is used in preference to the word Holocaust for three main reasons:The Holocaust is used by many to describe all of the victims of Nazi extermination policies.The definition of Holocaust implies sacrifice and many Jews consider this inappropriate as there was no sacrifice involved.The word (or term) Holocaust is currently being hijacked by many other people resulting in it's meaning being eliminated, for example 'Animal Holocaust or African Holocaust or 'Today's Holocaust'. Or 'motorway Holocaust' just to describe a car crash, which obviously is almost the same as the Holocaust.

What did the holocaust accomplish that you still use now?

I think you misunderstand the holocaust. The holocaust is the murder of 6 million Jews and others. There is nothing accomplished or used from the holocaust.