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I heard Churchill had that idea but it was never used.

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Q: Were supply ships disguised as icebergs during World War 2?
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How far can icebergs travel?

across the world and back again, for as long as it stays solid.

What was the biggest threat to Allied supply lines in the Atlantic Ocean during World War 2?

During World War 2 the major supply line of the Allies was the supply line created by cargo ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean with war supplies headed to England. The most common threat was from German submarines.

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they were given dicks then they cut them off

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it was bad it was bad

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What did Texas supply during World War 2?

Aside from oil they provided POW camps and retaining camps

What did the wvs do during world war 2?

they helped supply teas and refreshments to firemen and help people who lost their home.

What are the similarities between icebergs and glaciers?

They are both big peices of ice found all over the world. Glaciers fall off of huge mountains made of ice. And Icebergs are huge pecies of ice that float all around the artic oceans.

What program allows the US to supply Britain with military arsenal during world war ll?

It was called the lend lease programme, it was also used to arm and supply China and the Soviet Union

What were U-Boats used for during World War 1?

Moslty merchant ship, supply line disrupment.