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Imprisonment without trial for 'enemies of the Reich' was legal in Nazi Germany, but the kind of treatment they were subjected to concentration camps was illegal. In July 1933, some SS men were charged with murder, but Himmler secured permanent immunity from prosecution for SS guards, who subject only to internal SS discipline.

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Q: Were concentration camps legal or illegal?
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Continue Learning about General History

What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

Was the world going to do anything about concentration camps during World War 2?

no, there was nothing illegal about the camps, many counties employed them (including the USA), it was what was going on in them that was wrong.

What were examples of concentration camps?

what are some examples of concentration camps?

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

What were death camps in Germany called?

Concentration camps :)

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Why couldn't u.s and Britain stop concentration camps?

there was nothing wrong or illegal about concentration camps. It was what people in them did that was wrong.

What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What were concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

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What were suana's used for in concentration camps?

There were no saunas in concentration camps.

What were examples of concentration camps?

what are some examples of concentration camps?

Was the world going to do anything about concentration camps during World War 2?

no, there was nothing illegal about the camps, many counties employed them (including the USA), it was what was going on in them that was wrong.

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

Was their any concentration camps in Arizona?

yes there was concentration camps in Arizona

What was the number of the major concentration camps?

Their was 20 major concentration camps.

What if you had concentration camps today?

There are concentration camps today (in North Korea).

What were death camps in Germany called?

Concentration camps :)