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Most Africans were not directly tricked into coming to America. Many Africans were tricked into slavery which lead to their delivery to America.

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Q: Were africans tricked into coming to America?
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Why were africans the main source of slavery in america?

The Africans had somewhat of an immunity to European diseases. The Africans also were take because if they were in America, they don't have family to save them.

Why is it important that the Africans came America?

It is important that Africans came to America because it helps to show where we all started. When Africans came to America, it really helped to make our country diverse and full of different culture.

Why were africans taken south America?

because they wanted the africans to become slaves

How did the africans arrive to America?

By ship.

Why are Africans related with history of slavery?

Africans were used as slaves in many countries, including America

What happened to the africans when they got to America?


Why-did africans explore North America?

They didn't.

What did Africans bring to America in 1619?

why in the worlld not you have the answer

How was slavery different in Africa and America?

Not much difference. Africans captured Africans and either kept them, sold them to other Africans, or sold them to whites.

Would africans be in America if there was no slavery?

There might be some Africans but not high concentrations of them in a state or large area.

How did the plantation system and the lack of indentured servanted affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.