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Wolf packs were a strategy German U-boats used to attack allied shipping

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Q: Were Wolf packs a new source of munitions introduced during World War 2?
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Where bombs weremade during World War 2?

In munitions factories.

Who was Canada's minister of munitions during World War 2?

C. D. Howe .

What did Canada export during the world war?

Munitions (went to having one munitions factory to 600 in WW1), wheat (provided by the agricultural provinces) and meat (mainly beef).

When was the 360 Degree Feedback Survey first introduced?

The 360-degree feedback survey, also known as multi-rater feedback, multi source feedback, and multi source assessment was first introduced during World War II. This assessment was used by the German Military to evaluate the performance during the war.

Where would a british man who specialised in bomb making been stationed during World War 2?

In a munitions factory.

Was income tax introduced to Canada during World War I?

Yes, Income tax was introduced to Canada during World War 1. It was introduced to help pay for the costs of everything needed for the war.

How did Cadburys help Britain during the world wars?

cadburys was seconded as a munitions maker during WW2 including making gas-masks for the general public.

What were the role on women in World War 1?

Woman were involved in many different tasks during World War One they nursed, and aided in munitions production and transportation.

What did munitions workers do During the world war 2?

All Wrong Above They ALL Worked In Asda :) and made sweet love with willy

Who introduced martial technology during World War 1?

me me

What was NOT a technological innovation introduced during World War 2?


What types of technology was introduced during World War 1?
