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The scandal that led to a presidential resignation

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Q: Watergate was the third rate burglary that turned into what?
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Who is Caligula for roman empire?

Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.Caligula, or Gaius as was his proper name, was the third Roman emperor. Immature and totally untrained for the job of emperor, some say he went mad, although his sanity situation is being reevaluated today. At any rate he was known for his immaturity and his excesses. He was the first Roman emperor to be assassinated.

Why is Africa a third world country?

Some experts say it is because the continent never had trainable beasts of burden until recent cross and inbreeding became available. The African elephant cannot work as the Asian elephant, Zebras are almost impossible to train, apes although intelligent do not train well, Oxen might have been usable. Unlike other continents which had trainable canines, bovines, Asian elephants, equines, birds of prey, etc.

What is CRR rate by RBI of India?

the Repo rate, Reserve repo rate and CRR as of 03 January 2009 are as follows: Repo Rate: 5.6% CRR: 5% Reverse Repo rate: 4.1% Source: RBI

What is the birth rate and death rate in Portugal?

portugals life expectancy rate...males:76..females:82:) $!ll33 n@$t33:)

What is a bank rate?

A bank rate is the rate at which a central bank charges interest when it lends money to another bank.

Related questions

What is a third rate burglary?

It's a really crap burglary. Like when they can't break the window properly, only nick a DVD player and then drop it trying to escape after they set the alarm off.

Events in the 70's?

The biggest event of the 1970s was probably the series of political scandals under the umbrella term Watergate. What began as a "third-rate burglary" at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington on June 17, 1972, resulted in a White House coverup and the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.

Why does Australia have the highest burglary rate?

It doesn't. The Netherlands has the highest burglary rate, at 3,100 burglaries per 100,000 persons.

What are Richard's character traits?

Brilliance, insecurity, ego, and cunning. And a touch of paranoia thrown in, Nixon had almost no chance at losing the 1972 election, but still feared defeat so badly he helped cover up an unnecessary THIRD RATE BURGLARY.

What are richard nixion's character traits?

Brilliance, insecurity, ego, and cunning. And a touch of paranoia thrown in, Nixon had almost no chance at losing the 1972 election, but still feared defeat so badly he helped cover up an unnecessary THIRD RATE BURGLARY.

What city has the highest burglary rate per capita?

Flint, Michigan has been reported to have one of the highest burglary rates per capita in the United States.

When was Third Rate Romance created?

Third Rate Romance was created on 1975-06-23.

Is Miami crime rate higher than Chicago?

Although Miami does have quite a bit of theft and burglary chicagos murder and robbery rates are way higher than Miami and national crime rate

what were ford pardon Nixon advantages and disadvantages?

In brief; The advantage was that it drew a line under Watergate and as such allowed the country to move on from what was a 3rd rate burglary blown entirely out of proportion to which Richard Nixon did not have any involvement or knowledge of prior to the incident. The disadvantage was that it completely discredited Gerald Ford as a strong leader and ultimately achieved a very limp presidency which worsened under a weaker president, undoing much of the good work Nixon had achieved, in Jimmy Carter.

What controls the rate that food is turned into energy.?

The thyroid gland controls the rate that food is turned into energy. The thyroid gland releases thyroxin and if too much is release a person will lose weight.

What actors and actresses appeared in Third Rate Gamer Show - 2007?

The cast of Third Rate Gamer Show - 2007 includes: Chris Bores as The Irate Gamer

What is the divorce percentage rate?

The divorce rate for the first marriage is 41%. The divorce rate for the second marriage is 60%. The divorce rate for the third marriage is 73%.