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Harold Godwinson marched to the north-east coast of England and defeated Harald Haardrada of Norway, then Harold Godwinson marched to the south of England where he was shot in the eye by a Norman archer while fighting William The Conqueror.

So really, the problem wasn't solved, England got taken over by the Normans from France.

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11y ago

first of all edward the present king did not have a son (he was nicknamed 'edward the bastard!') so he had no-one to take the throne after him. there were also problems as everyone who was running to be next in line for king had excellent things about them eg experience confidence being about to rule etc so it was a hard decision.

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there where many as king died and 3 others argued about it!

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Q: Was there any problems in England in 1066 about who should be king?
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